Opened 6 years ago
Closed 5 years ago
#2314 closed task (fixed)
osgeo4 power supplies need replacement
Reported by: | robe | Owned by: | wildintellect |
Priority: | blocker | Milestone: | Unplanned |
Component: | SysAdmin | Keywords: | |
Cc: |
Lance wrote today.
His notes:
I was in the data center yesterday and noticed that both osgeo3 and osgeo4 each have a failed PSU (power supply unit) which should be replaced before moving forward on this. Thankfully, these are fairly cheap and cost around $35 [1] [2]. If you want to look elsewhere, just look for part number YFG1C which should be the 870W PSU. Sorry I didn't notice that sooner. [1] [2]
[1] [2]
Alex, can you take care of this as soon as you can?
Thanks, Regina
Change History (7)
comment:1 by , 6 years ago
Owner: | changed from | to
comment:2 by , 6 years ago
comment:3 by , 6 years ago
Note that osgeo4 is all setup with the new power supply and drives. I have installed LXD on it using 4 of the 6 disks for total storage of 3.62 TB (essentially a RAID 10 config).
comment:4 by , 5 years ago
It appears we've used all the disks we purchages on osgeo4.
I think originally we were going to split between the two but osgeo4 could handle all 6 so we figured why the heck not.
So that leaves us with no disks to give to osgeo3.
comment:5 by , 5 years ago
I don't recall expecting to put any of the new drives into osgeo3, just the PSU. Given the age, we could put a drive refresh into the new budget since we plan to keep the machine for another cycle.
comment:6 by , 5 years ago
Summary: | osgeo3 and osgeo4 power supplies need replacement → osgeo4 power supplies need replacement |
It appears that the power supplies and drives we got were all used for osgeo4.
So closing this ticket out and will create a new one for osgeo3
comment:7 by , 5 years ago
Resolution: | → fixed |
Status: | new → closed |
closing this out as we have a separate ticket for osgeo3, and osgeo4 is all set as far as hardware needs.
Parts ordered. Should arrive Monday July 1, $776