Opened 7 months ago
Closed 7 months ago
#3241 closed task (fixed)
Request for discourse admin permission
Reported by: | jive | Owned by: | |
Priority: | normal | Milestone: | Sysadmin Contract 2024-I |
Component: | SysAdmin/Discourse | Keywords: | |
Cc: |
Description (last modified by )
The geoserver / user thing is working well thank you. We have had some trouble reported with the use as a mailing list due to links included in email signature, and have struggled to update the category descriptions.
I already volunteer with SAC for Nexus, can I ask for some kind of increased Discourse permissions to help manage geoserver, geonetwork, marketing categories?
Change History (6)
comment:1 by , 7 months ago
Description: | modified (diff) |
Summary: | email to discourse bounced because of 3+ links → Request for discourse admin permission |
comment:2 by , 7 months ago
follow-up: 4 comment:3 by , 7 months ago
Thanks, it presents me with a paradox in that I cannot use this as a mailing-list, and also login to moderate or edit the pinned instructions.
(As I would then "miss" email about any topics that are sent while using the website).
Option: I could setup an account with a distinct email address.
comment:4 by , 7 months ago
Replying to jive:
Thanks, it presents me with a paradox in that I cannot use this as a mailing-list, and also login to moderate or edit the pinned instructions.
(As I would then "miss" email about any topics that are sent while using the website).
Option: I could setup an account with a distinct email address.
@jive. Have to raise as a motion with rest of SAC.
Regarding the missed email about topics that are sent while using the website, that is a setting you can turn off. That is what it is by default for new users. I was thinking of changing that as I find that annoying too and unintuitive for most of our users who are used to mailing lists. If you go into your preferences -
Email me when I am quoted, replied to, my @username is mentioned, or when there is new activity in my watched categories, tags or topics
that item by default is set to "only when away". You can change that to "always".
comment:5 by , 7 months ago
Thanks for moderator status, I used this to "release" a post that was being held for review.
I would still like to request admin status:
- I cannot update the icons or details for categories
- I cannot help out with issues like (where a new community needs a communication platform and is waiting).
comment:6 by , 7 months ago
Milestone: | Unplanned → Sysadmin Contract 2024-I |
Resolution: | → fixed |
Status: | new → closed |
Okay you have admin rights now. Just make sure not to fiddle with the admin settings without gaining approval from SAC and putting in a ticket as to reason why if you need to.
I granted you Moderator, see if it's enough