Opened 17 years ago

Closed 16 years ago

Last modified 16 years ago

#3 closed task (fixed)

osgeo4w-setup needs a home page

Reported by: maphew Owned by: osgeo4w-dev@…
Priority: major Component: Documentation
Version: Alpha Keywords:
Cc: maphew


"There needs to be a home page for osgeo4w-setup, or if there is one already it needs to be easier to find. For instance at the moment searching this trac for "osgeo4w-setup" yields a host of tickets for bugs & enhancements but no wiki page.

The failed task which prompted this ticket was to locate the latest version so I could try the new features." -matt

Change History (7)

comment:1 by jmckenna, 17 years ago


I would suggest that we make the wiki our end-user oriented website for OSGeo4W once the new trac instance is setup. We can also migrate the developer/packager oriented stuff from into the trac instance at that point, but push it down into the wiki a bit with the user oriented stuff 'on top'. Currently is our nominal main page but it is also pretty hard to find.

Once we are "public" we should add an OSGeo4W link from the main page.

An alternative to making our main page would be to add a public web page at and keep trac as developer/packager oriented and for user wiki contributions but manage the "public face" of OSGeo4W on the osgeo drupal site.

... just a few thoughts." --frank

comment:2 by jmckenna, 17 years ago

"I think I favour the last option, but would be happy with a trac-only setup.

If there is a split between public face and developer/packager info it would be good to have guidelines for when/how to migrate docs from one to the other. For instance right now there is little integration between user docs on the gdal trac and the main gdal website, which sometimes causes friction." --matt

comment:3 by jmckenna, 17 years ago

update on this: will be the osgeo4w public we have to give that page some love...

comment:4 by jmckenna, 17 years ago

Reporter: changed from jmckenna to maphew

comment:5 by jmckenna, 17 years ago

Version: BetaAlpha

comment:6 by warmerdam, 16 years ago

Resolution: fixed
Status: newclosed

Lots can still be done, but I think the essential core of this is complete. Closing.

comment:7 by (none), 16 years ago

milestone: Beta Release

Milestone Beta Release deleted

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