Opened 11 years ago

Closed 11 years ago

#436 closed defect (invalid)

Missing libLAS utilities

Reported by: Mike Taves Owned by: hobu
Priority: major Component: Package
Version: Keywords: libLAS pkg-liblas


Comparing to the commands available in OSGeo4W x64, I find these command-line utilities are missing:

  • lasmerge
  • lasdiff
  • las2tindex

Here is the version info from lasinfo:

libLAS 1.8.0 with GeoTIFF 1.4.0 GDAL 1.11.0 LASzip 2.2.0

Change History (4)

comment:1 by jef, 11 years ago

Keywords: pkg-liblas added
Owner: changed from osgeo4w-dev@… to hobu

comment:2 by jef, 11 years ago

Keywords: libLAS, pkg-liblas → libLAS pkg-liblas

comment:3 by hobu, 11 years ago

Did these utilities even/ever work? I removed lasmerge and lasdiff as part of the 1.8.0 release because they were broken ports of (now open source) LASlib.

Was las2tindex ever available and working? I think the docs might just be bad on that one.


comment:4 by Mike Taves, 11 years ago

Resolution: invalid
Status: newclosed

I'm not sure if they ever existed or worked, but assumed they were part of libLAS as they are listed in the utility docs. I was looking for lasmerge and naturally was looking here because it was included with the docs.

Reading this, I get a better understanding of how the LAStools utilities are no longer command-line compatible. I'll work with LAStools outside of OSGeo4W instead.

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