
Version 13 (modified by jmckenna, 15 years ago) ( diff )

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Steps to Translate OSGeo4W-setup.exe into another Language

  • checkout local copy of setup files from Subversion, for example:
      svn co setup --username yourname
  • copy res_en.rc and rename the file for your new language in the form res_[lang].rc, such as:
  • open your new res_[lang].rc file in a text editor and edit:
    • modify line#1 and #2 for your new language
    • replace English installer text in all CONTROL, CAPTION, LTEXT, RTEXT objects, such as:
        CAPTION "OSGeo4W Setup - Choose Installation Type"
        translated to:
        CAPTION "OSGeo4Wセットアップ-インストールタイプの選択"
      • be careful of making sure that the interface accelerators are kept, such as "(&D)":
           CONTROL "&Download Without Installing",
           translated to:
           CONTROL "インストールせずにダウンロード(&D)",
    • you might have to modify the size/spacing of your new strings in the objects, if you notice that your new text is cutoff in the installer. For example, the values below for "60,85,88,10" mean: x,y,width,height - you might have to change the width value for longer translated strings
        CONTROL "Use HTTP/FTP &Proxy:",IDC_NET_PROXY,"Button",
                 BS_AUTORADIOBUTTON | WS_TABSTOP,60,85,88,10
        translated to:
        CONTROL "HTTP/FTPプロキシを利用する(&P):",IDC_NET_PROXY,"Button",
                 BS_AUTORADIOBUTTON | WS_TABSTOP,60,85,188,10
  • open res.rc in a text editor
    • include your new res_[lang].rc file at the bottom of the file res.rc such as:
        #include "res_en.rc"
        #include "res_ja.rc"
  • complile your new setup.exe, by following the steps in SetupDevelopment
  • test your new translated setup.exe
  • commit your changes to Subversion
  • inform the mailing list of your new translation
    • you might need assistance to publish the live osgeo4w-setup.exe to the download server (inform mailing list)

Current Issues

  • some installer text is hardcoded (see ticket:130)
  • packages' setup.hint text is also only in English (see ticket:131)

Documentation Translation

  • create a new wiki page for your language at the top of WikiStart
    • name the page "OSGeo4W_[lang]"
    • use a country flag from the MapServer site, and follow the steps outlined in ticket:132
Note: See TracWiki for help on using the wiki.