Opened 7 years ago

Closed 7 years ago

#1988 closed task (fixed)

OSGeoLive Status on OSGeo

Reported by: cvvergara Owned by: live-demo@…
Priority: normal Milestone:
Component: OSGeoLive Keywords:


Based on this:

Where you can read:

Cameron Shorter comment: This is an issue because a casual observer would naturally deduce that if OSGeo-Live has reached incubation quality, then all included packages should have also reached such quality. This assumption is incorrect and should not be promoted by OSGeo, and is a reason for OSGeo-Live not to be officially recognised as an OSGeo incubated project.

This can be deduced:

  • OSGeoLive has no intention to be a OSGeo Project
  • OSGeoLive has no intention to be a OSGeo Incubation project
  • OSGeoLive has not shown intention to be a OSGeo Community project

Vicky’s Conclusion: OSGeo Live is not OSGeo related project, but uses OSGeo resources, like the wiki, and issue tracker, and its under OSGeo organization on Hithub.

Interesting that there is an Incubation graduation checklist, and the project is not incubating, and is not a community project.

It is being suggested to apply to be community project:

Reinforced that suggestion on:

About website:

  • In old website, it’s listed as outreach project
  • In new web site, it’s not listed at all but has a page

Change History (6)

comment:1 by cvvergara, 7 years ago

Angelos opened a motion:

lets go on with incubation and get listed as OSGeo Project

nick name vote
Alex Mandel +0
kalkas Angelos Tsozos +1
astroidex Astrid Emde +1
bencaradocdaviesBen Caradoc-Davies +1
Bas Couwenberg
Brian M Hamlin
CameronShorter Cameron Shorter +0
Johan Van de Wauw
Massimo De Stefano
Nicolas Roelandt
_vickyv_ Vicky Vergara +1

comment:2 by bakaniko, 7 years ago

+1 from Nicolas Roelandt

comment:3 by cvvergara, 7 years ago

Updating results

nick name vote
Alex Mandel +0
kalkas Angelos Tsozos +1
astroidex Astrid Emde +1
bencaradocdaviesBen Caradoc-Davies +1
Bas Couwenberg +0
Brian M Hamlin
CameronShorter Cameron Shorter +0
Johan Van de Wauw
Massimo De Stefano
Nicolas Roelandt +1
_vickyv_ Vicky Vergara +1

Motion passed:

comment:4 by epifanio, 7 years ago

+1 From Massimo Di Stefano

in reply to:  3 comment:5 by epifanio, 7 years ago

Updating results

nick name vote
Alex Mandel +0
kalkas Angelos Tsozos +1
astroidex Astrid Emde +1
bencaradocdaviesBen Caradoc-Davies +1
Bas Couwenberg +0
Brian M Hamlin
CameronShorter Cameron Shorter +0
Johan Van de Wauw
Massimo De Stefano +1
Nicolas Roelandt +1
_vickyv_ Vicky Vergara +1

Motion passed:

comment:6 by kalxas, 7 years ago

Resolution: fixed
Status: newclosed

We have graduated OSGeo Incubation.

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