Opened 7 years ago

Last modified 5 years ago

#2041 assigned task

Overview issues

Reported by: bakaniko Owned by: cvvergara
Priority: normal Milestone: OSGeoLive11.0
Component: Documentation Keywords: develop
Cc: live-demo@…


For example: In desktop GIS current order is:

  • OSGeo Project GRASS GIS - [Quickstart]
  • OSGeo Project gvSIG Desktop - [Quickstart]
  • OSGeo Project QGIS - [Quickstart]
  • nologo SAGA - [Quickstart]
  • nologo OpenJUMP GIS - [Quickstart]
  • nologo User-friendly Desktop Internet GIS

Should be:

  • OSGeo Project GRASS GIS - [Quickstart]
  • OSGeo Project gvSIG Desktop - [Quickstart]
  • OSGeo Project QGIS - [Quickstart]
  • nologo OpenJUMP GIS - [Quickstart]
  • nologo SAGA - [Quickstart]
  • nologo User-friendly Desktop Internet GIS

Same for Datasets:

  • nologo Natural Earth - Global Data Sets
  • nologo OSGeo North Carolina, USA Educational dataset
  • nologo NetCDF Data Set - Time series temperature and precipitation
  • nologo OpenStreetMap - Sample extract from OpenStreetMap

Change History (6)

comment:1 by bakaniko, 7 years ago

Summary: Non osgeo related project are not in alphabetical order in overview.html (develop branch)Overview issues

comment:2 by bakaniko, 7 years ago

First part above was about non osgeo related project that are not in alphabetical order in overview.html (develop branch)

Issue 2: cesium project is not in projects_info.csv => needs to be added

comment:3 by cvvergara, 7 years ago

Owner: changed from live-demo@… to cvvergara
Status: newassigned

comment:4 by camerons, 7 years ago

The order projects have been listed in has changed over the years to meet different criteria. I think that I was the person who ordered the projects last time and after grouping projects I sorted the projects according to "importance". I roughly based "importance" on:

  1. Whether the project has been incubated in OSGeo.
  2. The level of popularity and uptake of the projects, roughly measured by our OSGeoLive metrics page, (which is based on OpenHub metrics).

I realise that "importance" is open to interpretation and debate and it is easier to select a clear definition such as alphabetical order. However I'm still in favour of ordering according to this "importance" measure as the primary goal of OSGeoLive is to help new users find the best project for them, and as such we should present the most important projects first.

comment:5 by cvvergara, 7 years ago

This comment is to test mail notification

comment:6 by kalxas, 5 years ago

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