Opened 14 years ago

Closed 14 years ago

#774 closed defect (fixed)

pgrouting quickstart examples do not work

Reported by: darkblueb Owned by: live-demo@…
Priority: major Milestone:
Component: OSGeoLive Keywords: pgrouting, RC2


run LiveDVD RC2

user@osgeo-live:/home/shared$ psql pgrouting psql (8.4.8) Type "help" for help.

pgrouting=# \d

List of relations

Schema | Name | Type | Owner

public | classes | table | user public | geography_columns | view | user public | geometry_columns | table | user public | nodes | table | user public | spatial_ref_sys | table | user public | types | table | user public | vertices_tmp | table | user public | vertices_tmp_id_seq | sequence | user public | ways | table | user

(9 rows)

pgrouting=# SELECT * FROM shortest_path(' pgrouting'# SELECT gid as id, pgrouting'# source::integer, pgrouting'# target::integer, pgrouting'# length::double precision as cost pgrouting'# FROM ways', pgrouting(# 1888, 4738, false, false);

vertex_id | edge_id | cost

(0 rows)

pgrouting=# SELECT gid, AsText(the_geom) AS the_geom pgrouting-# FROM dijkstra_sp('ways', 1888, 4738);

gid | the_geom

(0 rows)

pgrouting=# \l+ pgrouting=# \df dijkstra_sp pgrouting=# \d ways pgrouting=# select min(gid), max(gid), count(gid) from ways;

min | max | count

1 | 10640 | 8486

(1 row)

pgrouting=# select gid from ways where gid = 1888;



(1 row)

pgrouting=# select gid from ways where gid = 4738;


(0 rows)

pgrouting=# select gid from ways where gid > 4700 and gid < 5000; pgrouting=# select gid from ways where gid > 4700 and gid < 5000 order by gid; pgrouting=# SELECT gid, AsText(the_geom) AS the_geom

FROM dijkstra_sp('ways', 1888, 4739);

gid | the_geom

(0 rows)

pgrouting=# SELECT gid, AsText(the_geom) AS the_geom

FROM dijkstra_sp('ways', 1888, 4732);

gid | the_geom

(0 rows)

Change History (5)

comment:1 by dkastl, 14 years ago

I saw this yesterday with RC1 after I managed to download it. I don't know what changed, maybe the Denver downtown extent was different to the extract I used.

Because the changes had not made it to RC1 yet, I just wanted to wait to be able to download the RC2 ISO to pick some start/end points running the LiveDVD. Maybe taking points with ID's below 100 is more safe.

in reply to:  1 comment:2 by hamish, 14 years ago

Replying to dkastl:

I don't know what changed, maybe the Denver downtown extent was different to the extract I used.

fwiw, I have not changed the Denver_CBD.osm.bz2 file since the original version of it. the CBD bbox I used is -105.028,39.709,-104.956,39.79. (see


comment:3 by dkastl, 14 years ago

Resolution: fixed
Status: newclosed

Hmmm, could be that the network topology got a different numbering. I now took lower ID's (100 and 600) for the sample requests and tested them on RC2. I guess it should work now. (Changeset [7057])

comment:4 by darkblueb, 14 years ago

Resolution: fixed
Status: closedreopened

... will close this bug when it is regressed in a build ...

comment:5 by darkblueb, 14 years ago

Resolution: fixed
Status: reopenedclosed

fixed in RC3

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