Opened 14 years ago

Closed 13 years ago

#797 closed task (wontfix)

maptiler should be recategorised as a web service

Reported by: camerons Owned by: live-demo@…
Priority: minor Milestone:
Component: OSGeoLive Keywords: 5.5, maptiler


In our categorizing of applications in the osgeolive documentation, and in the menu structure, maptiler is currently listed under SpatialTools.

However, since maptiler creates tiles which are to be served to the web via various standards, like the Tiled WMS standard, I think it would be better categorised under "Web Services". In particular, it should be put near MapProxy which provides similar functionality.

Cameron Shorter.

Change History (3)

comment:1 by hamish, 14 years ago

Keywords: 5.5 added; 5.0 removed

It's a front end to

       This utility generates a directory with small tiles and
       metadata, following OSGeo Tile Map Service Specification.
       Simple web pages with viewers based on Google Maps and
       OpenLayers are generated as well - so anybody can comfortably
       explore your maps on-line and you do not need to install or
       configure any special software (like mapserver) and the map
       displays very fast in the webbrowser. You only need to upload
       generated directory into a web server.

I've reserved "Web services" for web-enabled GIS and interactive/WPS; MapTiler is just a local processing tool.

here's how I've broken down the menu categories:

#Desktop apps part 1 (traditional analytic GIS)

#Desktop apps part 2 (geodata viewers and editors)

#Server apps part 1 (web-enabled GIS; interactive/WPS)

#Server apps part 2 (web based viewers; data only flows down to user)

#Infrastructure and miscellanea

#Future home of PostGIS and Spatialite; pgRouting???
#  pgadmin, sqlitebrowser, etc  (this one is automatic)

#Server apps part 3 (public good theme)

"Web Services" has traditionally been over-stuffed with apps, and "Spatial Tools" has traditionally had lots of room in it. So since it isn't a server, is a processing tool, and due to even out the menus I'd prefer to keep it as-is.

Mapproxy lives in /var/www/, connects to port 8011, and so really is a live web server. So I'd leave that where it is too.


comment:2 by kalxas, 13 years ago

Cameron, Hamish, I agree that Maptiler should not be categorized as a Web Service, since it is a Desktop application. I think we should close this issue. Thoughts?

comment:3 by hamish, 13 years ago

Resolution: wontfix
Status: newclosed
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