Opened 13 years ago

Closed 12 years ago

#987 closed enhancement (fixed)

proposal for english documentation improvements

Reported by: lucadelu Owned by: live-demo@…
Priority: normal Milestone: OSGeoLive6.5
Component: OSGeoLive Keywords: english documentation


During translation I find something for me strange in English documentation, that I like to fix

  • virtualbox_quickstart.rst
    • On linux do the following -> On Ubuntu do the following
  • osm_dataset_overview.rst
    • but the maps can also be viewed, imported, or edited in many applications such as Quantum GIS, OpenLayers, -> but the data can also be viewed, imported, or edited in many applications such as :doc:qgis_overview, :doc:OpenLayers <openlayers_overview>
    • polyline, and area coverage. -> polyline, area coverage and relations.
  • openjub_overview.rst
    • deegree -> :doc:deegree <deegree_overview>
  • geomoose_overview.rst
    • MapServer and OpenLayers -> :doc:MapServer <mapserver_overview> and :doc:OpenLayers <openlayers_overview>
  • gpsdrive_overview.rst
    • LANDSAT or OpenStreetMap -> LANDSAT or :doc:OpenStreetMap <osm_dataset_overview>
    • :doc:OpenStreetMap <osm_dataset_overview> data stored in a :doc:PostGIS <postgis_overview> database using :doc:Mapnik <mapnik_overview>
  • gpsprune_overview.rst
    • It uses OpenStreetMap imagery -> It uses :doc:OpenStreetMap <osm_dataset_overview> imagery
  • mapproxy_overview.rst
    • for an OpenLayers web client -> for an :doc:OpenLayers <openlayers_overview> web client
    • others in core features
  • metacrs_overview.rst
    • a lot of software after "The sub-projects that make up MetaCRS include:"
  • osgeoearth_overview.rst
  • qgis_overview.rst
    • through integration with GRASS -> through integration with :doc:GRASS <grass_overview>
    • PostgreSQL Database tables -> PostgreSQL/PostGIS Database tables
  • rasdaman_overview.rst
    • A rasdaman driver is a part of the GDAL -> A rasdaman driver is a part of the :doc:GDAL <gdal_overview>
    • a MapServer integration is available in beta -> a :doc:MapServer <mapserver_overview> integration is available in beta
  • viking_overview.rst
    • It works with OpenStreetMap data -> It works with :doc:OpenStreetMap <osm_dataset_overview> data
    • from services such as OpenStreetMap and -> from services such as :doc:OpenStreetMap <osm_dataset_overview> and
  • zoo-project_overview.rst
    • based on the GEOS and OGR Libraries -> based on the :doc:GEOS <geos_overview.html> and :doc:OGR Libraries <gdal_overview>
  • in all pages a lot of standard could be linked to appropriate pages

Change History (10)

comment:1 by micha, 13 years ago

Corrected the virtualization quickstart based on Luca's suggestion.

in reply to:  1 ; comment:2 by jsanz, 13 years ago

Replying to micha:

Corrected the virtualization quickstart based on Luca's suggestion.

Micha, Cameron advised to do those changes after the release, as the English documents are sopossed to be frozen to let the translators work.


in reply to:  2 ; comment:3 by micha, 13 years ago

Replying to jsanz:

Replying to micha:

Corrected the virtualization quickstart based on Luca's suggestion.

Micha, Cameron advised to do those changes after the release, as the English documents are sopossed to be frozen to let the translators work.


It's a very minor change. I don't think it will disrupt anything.

in reply to:  3 comment:4 by jsanz, 13 years ago

Replying to micha:

Replying to jsanz:

Replying to micha:

Corrected the virtualization quickstart based on Luca's suggestion.

Micha, Cameron advised to do those changes after the release, as the English documents are sopossed to be frozen to let the translators work.


It's a very minor change. I don't think it will disrupt anything.


I just wanted to note it before starting to work hard on the documents, sorry if I sounded rude :-/

comment:5 by kalxas, 13 years ago

Type: defectenhancement

comment:6 by lucadelu, 13 years ago

  • overview.rst:
    • remove "Windows and Apple Installers" because links are broken

in reply to:  6 ; comment:7 by hamish, 13 years ago

Replying to lucadelu:

  • overview.rst:
    • remove "Windows and Apple Installers" because links are broken

(or fix the links)

in reply to:  7 ; comment:8 by lucadelu, 13 years ago

Replying to hamish:

Replying to lucadelu:

  • overview.rst:
    • remove "Windows and Apple Installers" because links are broken

(or fix the links)

yes, but I don't find the related documents. can you point me to them?



in reply to:  8 comment:9 by hamish, 13 years ago

Replying to lucadelu:

yes, but I don't find the related documents. can you point me to them?

they only conditionally exist, & we'll have to check in Alex's full-build of yesterday to see if the symlinks made it where they needed to be. That won't be in the mini build of course (where the doc building happens), so I don't know if fixing the links is technically possible.. dead links are not nice, but maybe we just say "if you have the full version of the ISO, try these links. if you have the mini version they won't work". ?

It is too much to mirror online, so a link to isn't really feasible. (gpl local source hosting requirements kicks in if served al a carte instead of in with the OS distro)

thanks, Hamish

comment:10 by kalxas, 12 years ago

Resolution: fixed
Status: newclosed

fixed in [9597]

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