

05:05 Ticket #654 (Marble: Wikipedia links need disambiguation) created by activityworkshop
If you click on a city in Marble and see the Wikipedia tab, it just …


06:48 Ticket #649 (Title bar missing on JOSM) created by activityworkshop
When launching JOSM, the title bar of the JOSM window is hidden by the …
06:40 Ticket #648 (Dead link from start menu) created by activityworkshop
The link to "Mapnik introduction" from the Spatial Tools menu is …
06:37 Ticket #647 (Ossim typos) created by activityworkshop
I'll put these together in one ticket because they're all …
04:54 Ticket #646 (Viking confused by zoom out/in) created by activityworkshop
Viking - if you zoom out a long way and zoom in again, the scale bar …
04:47 Ticket #645 (Marble crash when cancelling layer generation) created by activityworkshop
When running marble, if you select a layer for the first time (eg …


13:07 Ticket #630 (LiveDVD overview shows wrong information for the Geomajas project) closed by hamish
fixed: Geomajas already updated to say 1.6.0 in newer version of docs: …
05:02 Ticket #630 (LiveDVD overview shows wrong information for the Geomajas project) created by pieterdg
Looking at …


04:03 Ticket #629 (osgearth script improvements) created by hamish
Hi, while testing the packages I've come up with a few …


05:52 Ticket #628 (files overly writable) created by hamish
Hi, in the ~user/data/ menu, these dirs are set a+w, which is to be …
04:25 Ticket #627 (ossim PATH setting breaks GMT and MB-System) created by hamish
due to a subtle quoting bug, the OSSIM installer is hardcoding the …
03:33 Ticket #626 (unclutter desktop) created by hamish
todo for 4.5: make a "Demos" folder on the desktop and move all geo …


03:38 Ticket #613 (make better use of the Geospatial Databases menu) reopened by hamish


20:03 Ticket #620 (MapGuide menu locations, shortcut, passwords.txt file) closed by darkblueb
fixed: mapguide has an entry in passwords, and a quickstart, which seem to …
19:48 Ticket #613 (make better use of the Geospatial Databases menu) closed by darkblueb
19:47 Ticket #593 (MapFish requires internet connection to work) closed by darkblueb
19:46 Ticket #542 (Postgis & pgRouting Icon) closed by darkblueb
fixed: fixed in rc9
19:42 Ticket #614 (OpenJUMP fails to launch) closed by darkblueb
fixed: fixed in rc9


06:06 Ticket #622 (udig wms fails to renderer) closed by jive
fixed: 1.2.0 now in use; problem is fixed.
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.