

05:07 Ticket #871 (Mapbender cannot load a local WMS from GeoServer) closed by astrid_emde
fixed: in 2.7.2 Mapbender can't handle all the mass of EPSG-Codes GeoServer


11:13 Ticket #702 (Create directories for Win and Mac installers at http://live.osgeo.org) closed by kalxas
fixed: The web pages are active for some time now
08:29 Ticket #791 (52N WSS doesn't have a stop icon) closed by kalxas
invalid: I am closing this one since 52NorthWSS is working with default Tomcat.
08:10 Ticket #859 (52North WPS not working) closed by kalxas
fixed: fixed in rev 8091
08:00 Ticket #923 (zygrib launcher missing) closed by kalxas
fixed: fixed in rev 8090
07:34 Ticket #930 (Build LiveDVD with chroot official ubuntu method instead of remastersys) created by kalxas
I think that after v6.0 final we should start working on building the …
07:15 Ticket #916 (gvSIG blocks apt and breaks the build process) reopened by kalxas
We can go back to installation script before deb packaging for this …
05:11 Ticket #929 (zoo demo not working) created by kalxas
zoo demo tools like buffer, centroid and perimeter do not respond when …
04:31 Ticket #752 (52N WPS example queries an external WPS, causing errors when not connected) closed by kalxas
fixed: this is now fixed in svn trunk
03:36 Ticket #916 (gvSIG blocks apt and breaks the build process) closed by jsanz
wontfix: I'm afraid we will not be able to fix this bug on this release, so if …


10:30 Ticket #923 (zygrib launcher missing) created by kalxas
zygrib can be launched from terminal, but launcher icon is missing
10:28 Ticket #922 (udig includes a custom java jvm) created by kalxas
Since from version 6.0 we are moving to openjdk7, udig should be fixed …
10:26 Ticket #921 (tinyows is failing to install) created by kalxas
unable to be found through apt
10:19 Ticket #920 (gosmore stuck in a loop with 100% cpu) created by kalxas
gosmore is causing 100% CPU and does not complete startup
10:14 Ticket #919 (mapnik demo not working) created by kalxas
pressing the button "Start mapnik and tilelite" crashes. Demo page …
10:12 Ticket #918 (maptiler launcher is missing from Geospatial menu) created by kalxas
the software is installed but the launcher does not exist.
10:10 Ticket #917 (mapfish demo not working) created by kalxas
Trying to access http://localhost/mapfishsample/osgeolive/wsgi/ gives …
10:08 Ticket #916 (gvSIG blocks apt and breaks the build process) created by kalxas
this is planned to be fixed in 1.12RC
10:06 Ticket #915 (JAVA_HOME variable not set for openjdk7) created by kalxas
This causes both Geoserver and Geonetwork to break.
06:04 Ticket #914 (Permissions on user's .qgis directory) created by micha
The directory ~user/.qgis is owned by root. As a result 'user' cannot …


13:43 Ticket #863 (bootable USB creation issues) closed by wildintellect
wontfix: Yes, from testing you must use the equivalent or newer version of …


04:09 Ticket #911 (bootloader install failed on install to hard drive) created by mattjs
"Booloader install failed" cannot be resolved or overridden by either: …


04:34 Ticket #903 (gvSIG doesn't load raster files) created by jsanz
It seems libssl and libcrypto versions on Xubuntu 12.04 are not …


14:17 Ticket #902 ([doc] HTTP 404 If the user hits the same languages twice) closed by fgdrf
fixed: see changeset:7970


13:21 Ticket #902 ([doc] HTTP 404 If the user hits the same languages twice) created by fgdrf
like the summary describes, it happens if the user selects the current …


14:38 Ticket #896 (sphinx doc build is broken because of BOM) created by fgdrf
Error in daily build log: […] Error is because of Byte order Mark …


02:50 Ticket #891 (docs: the sponsor pages are different between the different translations) created by fgdrf
After the add on of the OSGeo Icon on top of the page the whole page …


13:21 Ticket #882 (Update sphinx Makefile required for doc build) closed by fgdrf
12:42 Ticket #881 (Switch between languages should consider current page) closed by fgdrf
fixed: from each side its possible to switch language without loosing the context.


11:57 Ticket #884 (Doc quickstart.html and test.html aren't referenced in any document) created by fgdrf
Do we still need this documents? * Could somebody please explain …


10:50 Ticket #882 (Update sphinx Makefile required for doc build) created by fgdrf
Within the Makefile of the sphinx documentation the TRANSLATIONS


23:50 Ticket #881 (Switch between languages should consider current page) created by fgdrf
To improve Browsing behavior between languages the header links …


08:11 Live_GIS_Workshop_Install edited by astrid_emde
Mapbender - link modified (diff)
02:16 Ticket #878 (Improve OSGeo-Live DVD label) created by camerons
On 12/04/2012 7:08 AM, Markus Neteler wrote: > Hi, > > I would like to …
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