- 22:20 Ticket #1962 (mapnik docs page not retired) closed by
- invalid: not retired in live11 -- mapnik 3.0.11 included, with docs
- 22:07 Ticket #1634 (PostGIS Quickstart needs updating) closed by
- fixed: top of postgis_quickstart.rst shows: […]
- 21:52 Ticket #1963 (overview page - put historical links somewhere else) created by
- per IRC discussion in weekly meeting 10jul17 it may be desirable to …
- 21:36 Ticket #1641 (mbm_plot does not work out of the box, tries to run mapproject executable) closed by
- wontfix: mb-system is retired from Live11
- 21:34 Ticket #1894 (GMT quickstart doesn't follow quickstart format) closed by
- fixed: fixed in commit 041d8eb47a047ca2ac57b24a72f731e2bd65a7f3 and others..
- 21:23 Ticket #1962 (mapnik docs page not retired) created by
- here …
- 16:48 Ticket #1175 (Update Kosmo Desktop quickstart) closed by
- wontfix: Kosmo retired now
- 16:47 Ticket #1912 (Move Cartaro doc reference into "On prior releases") closed by
- fixed
- 16:47 Ticket #1080 (Ushahidi Quickstart review) closed by
- wontfix: Ushahidi retired now
- 16:47 Ticket #629 (osgearth script improvements) closed by
- wontfix
- 16:26 Ticket #1899 (Jupyter Notebook is selectable within the OSGeo-Live menu) reopened by
- 16:05 Ticket #1360 (Iris quickstart and launcher link missing) closed by
- wontfix: Iris will be hidden from docs on OSGeo-Live 11.0.
- 16:05 Ticket #1762 (ossim profile not properly setup) closed by
- fixed: Fixed in master.
- 16:04 Ticket #1220 (osgEarth: some keys not working) closed by
- wontfix: osgearth retired in OSGeo-Live 11.0
- 16:03 Ticket #1954 (Cesium 1.34 Install seems to fail?) closed by
- fixed: Fixed in master.
- 16:02 Ticket #1953 (uDig installer leaves a __MACOSX dir in /usr/lib) closed by
- fixed: looks good now, thanks!
- 12:42 Ticket #1959 (update presentation to fit with version 11.0) created by
- * https://github.com/OSGeo/OSGeoLive-doc/tree/master/en/presentation …
- 10:18 Ticket #1958 (artwork for 11.0) created by
- How about something based on this? …
- 14:32 Ticket #1746 (Replacement for Tilemill: Kosmtik + Magnacarto) reopened by
- 11:40 Ticket #1620 (Create a Travis continuous integration script for documentation) closed by
- fixed: Thanks Vicky!
- 09:36 Ticket #1640 (MB-System library should be added in gmt.conf) closed by
- fixed: Fixed in master
- 14:31 Ticket #1740 (QGIS_GRASS unable to make mapset element in QGIS quickstart) closed by
- fixed: Working in 11.0beta1
- 12:26 Ticket #1957 (QGIS quickstart : incorrect dataset) created by
- In the lastr part of the QGIS quistart, Importing OSM data, point 6 …
- 07:59 Ticket #1956 (QGis Config Changes) created by
- Lets use this ticket to list changes to QGis setup -- Start the list …
- 07:42 Ticket #1901 (Java World Wind Quickstart is substandard) closed by
- wontfix: Java WorldWind has been retired from OSGeoLive 11
- 07:41 Ticket #1085 (PostGIS Quickstart review - remove command line description?) closed by
- fixed
- 07:25 Ticket #1746 (Replacement for Tilemill: Kosmtik + Magnacarto) closed by
- wontfix
- 07:15 Ticket #1921 (Live 10.5: QGIS-GRASS broken in Processing due to missing link) closed by
- fixed: fixed in Live11 Beta1
- 07:13 Ticket #1763 (Ushahidi database error) closed by
- wontfix: Ushahidi has been retired from OSGeoLive 11.
- 07:12 Ticket #1900 (Java World Wind multiple layers not found) closed by
- wontfix: Java WorldWind has been retired from OSGeoLive 11
- 07:11 Ticket #1899 (Jupyter Notebook is selectable within the OSGeo-Live menu) closed by
- wontfix: We decided in the weekly meetings that there would be no Jupyter …
- 12:50 Ticket #1955 (python-gisdata) created by
- there is a packaged gisdata set - new to me.. It is in the main …
- 10:23 Ticket #1954 (Cesium 1.34 Install seems to fail?) created by
- beta1 Build Log […]
- 09:05 Ticket #1953 (uDig installer leaves a __MACOSX dir in /usr/lib) created by
- hey! /usr/lib is important.. this cannot be right.. […]
- 03:25 Ticket #1952 (GRASS Opacity dialog box too small) created by
- In the GRASS GUI, when opening the "Set Opacity" dialog box (right …
- 03:10 Ticket #1691 (Spatialite-gui causes lubuntu 16.04 to be unresponsive) closed by
- fixed: This issue seems to be fixed now in OSGeo Live 11 beta (Tested in both …
- 05:55 Ticket #1944 (Align sponsors page with recent changes to OSGeo sponsorship.) closed by
- fixed
- 01:58 Ticket #1951 (Change logos as part of OSGeo re-branding) created by
- Hi all, Jody has just opened a pull request, switching to the new …
- 21:01 Ticket #1949 (Jupyter5) created by
- this ticket tracks all things related to the Jupyter5 install on Live11.
- 10:20 Ticket #1948 (contact page gname link for livedemo is not working) closed by
- fixed: * changed in all languages to the nabble link and deleted the gname …
- 10:20 Ticket #1390 (Contact Us - Nabble link is invalid) closed by
- fixed: * changed in all languages to the nabble link and deleted the gname …
- 04:35 Ticket #1081 (QGIS Quickstart review feedback) closed by
- fixed: * was reviewed for version 11.0 * screenshot added, toolbox example …
- 04:32 Ticket #1030 (gdal quickstart and natural_earth2) closed by
- fixed: * we can close the ticket. QUickstart works with natural earth2 data …
- 06:34 Ticket #1536 (favicon.ico is not saved at _images) closed by
- fixed: * solved * favicon is displayed * it is located at …
- 06:24 Ticket #1948 (contact page gname link for livedemo is not working) created by
- * gname link ist not working * …
- 06:00 Ticket #1947 (istSOS Quickstart not working) created by
- Following the Quickstart, in step 4: {{{Write “python …
- 12:25 Ticket #1941 (Missing R packages) closed by
- fixed: Fixed in build 77
- 08:34 Ticket #1212 (52nSOS stop memory and processes) closed by
- fixed: Fixed in current version
- 07:11 Ticket #1946 (Add "Keyboard Layout Handler" to panel by default) created by
- Could we please add the "Keyboard Layout Handler" widget to the panel. …
- 06:33 Ticket #1945 (Improve Leaflet Quickstart) created by
- I just had a short discussion with Ivan Sanchez on IRC. He suggested …
- 05:31 Ticket #1192 (uDig Quickstart should not use external WMS Service) closed by
- fixed: Fixed
- 05:30 Ticket #1887 (Update ZOO-Project quickstart to match with recent demo updates) closed by
- fixed: Fixed
- 05:26 Ticket #1898 (Cesium - some layers not visible from quickstart description) closed by
- fixed: Fixed after the update to version 1.34
- 05:24 Ticket #1442 (GeoNode fails to load demo vector layers) closed by
- fixed: GeoNode has been updated to version 2.6.1. This issue is now fixed.
- 10:43 Ticket #1944 (Align sponsors page with recent changes to OSGeo sponsorship.) created by
- https://lists.osgeo.org/pipermail/live-demo/2017-June/012244.html
- 23:21 Ticket #1941 (Missing R packages) created by
- Hi I tested the quickstart for R and encountered several errors. - …
- 11:50 Ticket #1936 (OpenJUMP installer fails for the new 1.11 version) closed by
- fixed
- 07:07 Ticket #1217 (Out of sync translations missing renamed image links) closed by
- invalid
- 07:06 Ticket #1097 (translate navigation bar) closed by
- duplicate: Will be solved with move to Transifex #793
- 07:05 Ticket #891 (docs: the sponsor pages are different between the different translations) closed by
- duplicate: This will be fixed once we move to Transifex #793
- 06:55 Ticket #1937 (Integrate LearnOSM documentation for OSM quickstart) created by
- https://github.com/hotosm/learnosm/issues/524
- 06:52 Ticket #1904 (Update GeoMoose to version 2.9.3) closed by
- fixed: Done, thanks
- 04:34 Ticket #1936 (OpenJUMP installer fails for the new 1.11 version) created by
- […]
- 10:25 Ticket #1902 (rasdaman demo throws errors on 32bit) closed by
- wontfix: 32 bit builds won't be officially supported in the future.
- 10:24 Ticket #1935 (52nSOS build failure) closed by
- fixed: Fixed. Thanks!
- 12:00 Ticket #1935 (52nSOS build failure) created by
- […]
- 10:06 Ticket #1933 (GDAL error message after 2.2.0 transition) closed by
- fixed
- 03:35 Ticket #1522 (GeoNetwork 3.0.3 fails to start in 32bit system) closed by
- wontfix: 32bit system will not be officially supported for 11.0 release
- 03:09 Ticket #1933 (GDAL error message after 2.2.0 transition) created by
- […]
- 02:38 Ticket #1921 (Live 10.5: QGIS-GRASS broken in Processing due to missing link) created by
- There is an issue in finding the GRASS GIS startup script ("grass72") …
- 02:34 Ticket #1912 (Move Cartaro doc reference into "On prior releases") created by
- Cartaro has been retired from OSGeo-Live, so on the contents page, it …
- 14:31 Ticket #1909 (Script for verify version installed vs quick start version) created by
- Automate a test per project that makes a verification of what is …
See TracTimeline
for information about the timeline view.