wiki:Press Release 87

OSGeoLive 13.0 Released

  1. September 2019

Version 13.0 of the OSGeoLive GIS software collection has been released at the International Conference for Free and Open Source Software for Geospatial (FOSS4G) in Bucharest, Romania. It was handed out to delegates and used in many Workshops.

Release Highlights

Highlights for this release include:

  • New applications MapCache, GeoExt, t-rex, actinia.
  • Additional Python modules like Fiona, rasterio, cartopy, pandas, geopandas, mappyfile.
  • Improved documentation and four new translations, now supporting: English | Deutsch | Español | Suomi | Français | Italiano | 日本語 | Hungarian
  • Version updates to many of the included packages.

Brian Hamlin noted: "Version 13.0 has improved the Python experience a lot. With the introduction of Jupyter, OSGeoLive can be used in Python training, which supports the rising usage and relevance of Python in geospatial architectures."

Nicolas Roelandt and Vicky Vergara's introduction of Transifex has significantly improved the translation process. During the FOSS4G community sprint a new Romanian translation was added. Zoltán Siki, one of the Hungarian translators, pointed out the need for the translation and will use it at GIS courses at University in Budapest.

Maria Aria de Reyna, president of OSGeo, says "So much effort goes into each OSGeoLive release, from documentation to packaging to testing, that we must take a moment to thank those involved. The whole OSGeoLive team deserves a huge thanks. Thank you OSGeoLive team and congratulations on this release."

FOSS4G 2019 "What's new in OSGeoLive 13.0"


Download the OSGeoLive 13.0 image at

About OSGeoLive

OSGeoLive is a Lubuntu based distribution of Geospatial Open Source Software, available via a Virtual Machine, USB and DVD. OSGeoLive is pre-installed with robust open source geospatial software, which can be trialed without installing anything.

It includes:

  • Close to 50 quality geospatial Open Source applications installed and pre-configured
  • Free world maps and sample datasets
  • Project Overview and step-by-step Quickstart for each application
  • Lightning presentation of all applications, along with speaker's script
  • Translations to multiple languages



Hundreds of people have directly helped with OSGeoLive packaging, documenting and translating, and thousands have been involved in building the packaged software. Thank you to all involved.

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