Opened 10 years ago
Closed 10 years ago
Last modified 10 years ago
As a companion to ST_AsTWKB, an ST_GeomFromTWKB would parse a TWKB bytea and generate a geometry.
Support added in r13053 for the types point linestring polygon multipoint multilinestring multipolygon geometry collection
But not for the aggregate types in twkb.
If Debbie and Winnie is happy I think I close it in this state. Then the aggregate types will be for the future.
Ok, I close this
Thank you !
Support added in r13053 for the types point linestring polygon multipoint multilinestring multipolygon geometry collection
But not for the aggregate types in twkb.
If Debbie and Winnie is happy I think I close it in this state. Then the aggregate types will be for the future.