Opened 5 years ago
Last modified 4 years ago
#4754 new defect
Performance difference with versions of Postgres/Postgis
Reported by: | fractalf | Owned by: | pramsey |
Priority: | medium | Milestone: | PostGIS PostgreSQL |
Component: | postgis | Version: | 3.0.x |
Keywords: | performance | Cc: | 2.5 |
Hi community!
I'd like to register an issue with Postgis regarding performance in different versions of Postgres/Postgis.
I'm testing this out before we build a full solution and got some strange different response times running a query on different versions.
I test this in docker using 3 setups:
FROM postgres:11.9 ENV POSTGIS_MAJOR 3 ENV POSTGIS_VERSION 3.0.2+dfsg-2.pgdg90+1
=> This gives me a response time of about 0.05s
FROM postgres:12 ENV POSTGIS_MAJOR 3 ENV POSTGIS_VERSION 3.0.2+dfsg-2.pgdg100+1
=> This gives me a response time of about 0.5s
FROM postgres:12 ENV POSTGIS_MAJOR 2.5 ENV POSTGIS_VERSION 2.5.5+dfsg-1.pgdg100+1
=> This gives me a response time of about 0.05s
I found this huge increase (almost 10x) in response time very strange.
This is more or less my test data/query:
CREATE TABLE "zones" ( "id" serial NOT NULL, "name" character varying NOT NULL, "geo" geometry NOT NULL ); CREATE TABLE "points" ( "id" serial NOT NULL, "name" character varying NOT NULL, "geo" geometry NOT NULL ); INSERT INTO zones (name, geo) VALUES ('Foo', 'POLYGON( ( 63.43277965483068 10.354270935058594, 63.43009239981209 10.353584289550781, 63.42533150079501 10.367660522460936, 63.421337878804195 10.386199951171873, 63.40474303024033 10.385856628417969, 63.394904513399645 10.387916564941406, 63.4155000456553 10.458297729492186, 63.428403139082626 10.472373962402344, 63.43945831122457 10.46945571899414, 63.44759342069812 10.462932586669922, 63.45035576238835 10.45074462890625, 63.44797709520402 10.42276382446289, 63.44053289210481 10.398731231689453, 63.434008030326964 10.362682342529297, 63.43277965483068 10.354270935058594 ) )'); # Insert 10000 random points from a generated sql file select count(*) from points as p join zones as z on ST_WITHIN(p.geo, z.geo)
Change History (2)
comment:1 by , 5 years ago
Keywords: | performance added |
This is missing the reproduction steps and the plans behind the queries, otherwise there is nothing we can do.