Opened 5 years ago

Last modified 4 years ago

#4754 new defect

Performance difference with versions of Postgres/Postgis

Reported by: fractalf Owned by: pramsey
Priority: medium Milestone: PostGIS PostgreSQL
Component: postgis Version: 3.0.x
Keywords: performance Cc: 2.5


Hi community!

I'd like to register an issue with Postgis regarding performance in different versions of Postgres/Postgis.

I'm testing this out before we build a full solution and got some strange different response times running a query on different versions.

I test this in docker using 3 setups:


FROM postgres:11.9
ENV POSTGIS_VERSION 3.0.2+dfsg-2.pgdg90+1

=> This gives me a response time of about 0.05s


FROM postgres:12
ENV POSTGIS_VERSION 3.0.2+dfsg-2.pgdg100+1

=> This gives me a response time of about 0.5s


FROM postgres:12
ENV POSTGIS_VERSION 2.5.5+dfsg-1.pgdg100+1

=> This gives me a response time of about 0.05s

I found this huge increase (almost 10x) in response time very strange.

This is more or less my test data/query:

CREATE TABLE "zones" (
  "id" serial NOT NULL,
  "name" character varying NOT NULL,
  "geo" geometry NOT NULL
CREATE TABLE "points" (
  "id" serial NOT NULL,
  "name" character varying NOT NULL,
  "geo" geometry NOT NULL
INSERT INTO zones (name, geo) VALUES
    ('Foo', 'POLYGON(
            63.43277965483068 10.354270935058594,
            63.43009239981209 10.353584289550781,
            63.42533150079501 10.367660522460936,
            63.421337878804195 10.386199951171873,
            63.40474303024033 10.385856628417969,
            63.394904513399645 10.387916564941406,
            63.4155000456553 10.458297729492186,
            63.428403139082626 10.472373962402344,
            63.43945831122457 10.46945571899414,
            63.44759342069812 10.462932586669922,
            63.45035576238835 10.45074462890625,
            63.44797709520402 10.42276382446289,
            63.44053289210481 10.398731231689453,
            63.434008030326964 10.362682342529297,
            63.43277965483068 10.354270935058594
# Insert 10000 random points from a generated sql file

select count(*)
from points as p
join zones as z
on ST_WITHIN(p.geo, z.geo)

Change History (2)

comment:1 by fractalf, 5 years ago

Keywords: performance added

comment:2 by Algunenano, 4 years ago

This is missing the reproduction steps and the plans behind the queries, otherwise there is nothing we can do.

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