Opened 2 years ago

Last modified 9 months ago

#5359 new enhancement

PG16 schema qualify use of postgis and fuzzystrmatch in postgis_tiger_geocoder and postgis_topology

Reported by: robe Owned by: robe
Priority: medium Milestone: PostGIS 3.5.0
Component: tiger geocoder Version: master
Keywords: Cc:


Now that my patch has landed in PostgreSQL;a=commit;h=72a5b1fc880481914da2d4233077438dd87840ca

I'm going to put to use for PostgreSQL 16 and above, to have tiger geocoder reference initially the soundex functions that are used for indexing.

These always get screwed up when restoring data.

I think I can also schema qualify the geometry columns in the tables, these don't need to prevent relocate since these are relocatable.

Change History (6)

comment:1 by robe, 2 years ago

Note we may want to do similar things with postgis_topology but not as critical since I don't think there are cases where the normal adding of postgis schema isn't done.

But do have to work out how we can make the .control files configurable based on postgis version, since the no_relocate option will throw an error for PostgreSQL < 16.

comment:2 by robe, 21 months ago

I'm still trying to think the best way to do this.

I'm thinking of explicitly using the new syntax in the current scripts and then a perl script that will strip them off for < 16 and keep for PG >= 16.

Note this feature will use the feature I authored that's already been committed to PG 16;a=commit;h=72a5b1fc880481914da2d4233077438dd87840ca

so ideally the perl script would also look at the control file, and for each required extension in the control file, do a @extschema:name@ where name is each required extension.

So in case of postgis_tiger_geocoder it will look for @extschema:postgis@., @extschema:fuzzystrmatch@. and strip those references for PG < 16 and leave alone for PG >= 16

comment:3 by strk, 21 months ago

Owner: changed from robe to strk
Status: newassigned

comment:4 by robe, 20 months ago

Milestone: PostGIS 3.4.0PostGIS 3.5.0

comment:5 by robe, 19 months ago

Summary: PG16 schema qualify use of fuzzystrmatch in postgis_tiger_geocoder and some postgisPG16 schema qualify use of postgis and fuzzystrmatch in postgis_tiger_geocoder and postgis_topology

comment:6 by robe, 9 months ago

Owner: changed from strk to robe
Status: assignednew
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