#5650 closed defect (fixed)

debbie showing failure on upgrade - ERROR: cannot drop operator @(geometry,geometry) because other objects depend on it (enforce_max_extent_rast_

Reported by: robe Owned by: robe
Priority: blocker Milestone: PostGIS 3.3.6
Component: raster Version: 3.4.x
Keywords: Cc:


Seems to be failing on rast constraint and ST_Envelope(raster)

04:49:03 psql:/var/lib/jenkins/workspace/postgis/branches/3.5/regress/00-regress-install/share/contrib/postgis/uninstall_topology.sql:330: NOTICE:  New search_path: "$user", public
04:49:03                  stripfromsearchpath                  
04:49:03 ------------------------------------------------------
04:49:03  topology has been stripped off database search_path 
04:49:03 (1 row)
04:49:03 psql:/var/lib/jenkins/workspace/postgis/branches/3.5/regress/00-regress-install/share/contrib/postgis/uninstall_topology.sql:332: NOTICE:  drop cascades to function undef_helper.stripfromsearchpath(character varying)
04:49:03 NOTICE:  schema "public" already exists, skipping
04:49:03 psql:/var/lib/jenkins/workspace/postgis/branches/3.5/regress/00-regress-install/share/contrib/postgis/uninstall_rtpostgis.sql:70: ERROR:  cannot drop function st_envelope(raster) because other objects depend on it
04:49:03 DETAIL:  constraint enforce_max_extent_rast on table loadedrast depends on function st_envelope(raster)
04:49:03 HINT:  Use DROP ... CASCADE to drop the dependent objects too.
04:49:03 NOTICE:  schema "public" already exists, skipping
04:49:03 NOTICE:  schema "public" already exists, skipping
04:49:03 psql:/var/lib/jenkins/workspace/postgis/branches/3.5/regress/00-regress-install/share/contrib/postgis/uninstall_postgis.sql:87: ERROR:  cannot drop operator @(geometry,geometry) because other objects depend on it
04:49:03 DETAIL:  constraint enforce_max_extent_rast on table loadedrast depends on operator @(geometry,geometry)
04:49:03 HINT:  Use DROP ... CASCADE to drop the dependent objects too.
04:49:03 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
04:49:03 . failed (Object count pre-install (5419) != post-uninstall (6903))

Also same failure on 3.4.

What's weird is it started failing after commit [b0943c0abe/git]

But I should not it's only failing on PG16 and 17 runs which that particular ticket targets

Change History (8)

comment:1 by robe, 15 months ago

Okay this sucks. I thought it was just debbie, but even I'm running into the issue and GHA is running into the issue with the PG16 and PG17 run


psql:/src/postgis/regress/00-regress-install/share/contrib/postgis/uninstall_topology.sql:330: NOTICE:  New search_path: "$user", public
 topology has been stripped off database search_path 
(1 row)

psql:/src/postgis/regress/00-regress-install/share/contrib/postgis/uninstall_topology.sql:332: NOTICE:  drop cascades to function undef_helper.stripfromsearchpath(character varying)
NOTICE:  schema "public" already exists, skipping
psql:/src/postgis/regress/00-regress-install/share/contrib/postgis/uninstall_rtpostgis.sql:70: ERROR:  cannot drop function st_envelope(raster) because other objects depend on it
DETAIL:  constraint enforce_max_extent_rast on table loadedrast depends on function st_envelope(raster)
HINT:  Use DROP ... CASCADE to drop the dependent objects too.
NOTICE:  schema "public" already exists, skipping
NOTICE:  schema "public" already exists, skipping
psql:/src/postgis/regress/00-regress-install/share/contrib/postgis/uninstall_postgis.sql:87: ERROR:  cannot drop operator @(geometry,geometry) because other objects depend on it
DETAIL:  constraint enforce_max_extent_rast on table loadedrast depends on operator @(geometry,geometry)
HINT:  Use DROP ... CASCADE to drop the dependent objects too.
. failed (Object count pre-install (5419) != post-uninstall (6903))

comment:2 by robe, 15 months ago

actually the PG17 error is different

echo 'BEGIN;' > rtpostgis_upgrade.sql
cat ../../postgis/common_before_upgrade.sql rtpostgis_upgrade_cleanup.sql rtpostgis_upgrade.sql.in rtpostgis_drop.sql ../../postgis/common_after_upgrade.sql | sed -e 's/^BEGIN;$//' -e 's/^COMMIT;$//' >> rtpostgis_upgrade.sql
echo 'COMMIT;' >> rtpostgis_upgrade.sql
lwgeom_pg.c: In function 'postgis_guc_find_option':
lwgeom_pg.c:503:22: error: unused variable 'key' [-Werror=unused-variable]
  503 |         const char **key = &name;

That one is definitely caused by my commit. I'm gong to revert that commit and if it works analyze it closer

comment:3 by Regina Obe <lr@…>, 15 months ago

In 18e7f66c/git:

Revert #5648 fix
Causing regression failures on PG16 and PG17
References #5648 and #5650

comment:4 by robe, 15 months ago

I confirmed reverting #5648 did fix this.

comment:5 by robe, 15 months ago

Milestone: PostGIS 3.4.2PostGIS 3.3.6

comment:6 by robe, 15 months ago

Other key errors in those logs

 raster/test/regress/rt_fromgdalraster .. failed (diff expected obtained: /tmp/pgis_reg/test_283_diff)
--- ./raster/test/regress/rt_fromgdalraster_expected	2023-12-27 04:29:04.050635827 +0000
+++ /tmp/pgis_reg/test_283_out	2023-12-27 04:31:10.818014496 +0000
@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
+WARNING:  'postgis.gdal_enabled_drivers' is already set and cannot be changed until you reconnect
 raster/test/regress/rt_asgdalraster .. failed (diff expected obtained: /tmp/pgis_reg/test_284_diff)
--- ./raster/test/regress/rt_asgdalraster_expected	2023-12-27 04:29:04.050635827 +0000
+++ /tmp/pgis_reg/test_284_out	2023-12-27 04:31:10.906014080 +0000
@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
+WARNING:  'postgis.gdal_enabled_drivers' is already set and cannot be changed until you reconnect at character 49
 raster/test/regress/rt_astiff .. failed (diff expected obtained: /tmp/pgis_reg/test_285_diff)
--- ./raster/test/regress/rt_astiff_expected	2023-12-27 04:29:04.050635827 +0000
+++ /tmp/pgis_reg/test_285_out	2023-12-27 04:31:10.990013680 +0000
@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
+WARNING:  'postgis.gdal_enabled_drivers' is already set and cannot be changed until you reconnect at character 18
 raster/test/regress/rt_asjpeg .. failed (diff expected obtained: /tmp/pgis_reg/test_286_diff)
--- ./raster/test/regress/rt_asjpeg_expected	2023-12-27 04:29:04.050635827 +0000
+++ /tmp/pgis_reg/test_286_out	2023-12-27 04:31:11.050013395 +0000
@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
+WARNING:  'postgis.gdal_enabled_drivers' is already set and cannot be changed until you reconnect at character 18

comment:7 by Regina Obe <lr@…>, 14 months ago

In 13d4f48/git:

Revert #5648 fix
Causing regression failures on PG16 and PG17
References #5648 and #5650

comment:8 by robe, 14 months ago

Resolution: fixed
Status: newclosed

Commit for 3.3 at [74d2478a03/git]

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