Opened 14 months ago

Closed 11 months ago

Last modified 7 months ago

#5654 closed defect (fixed)

Missing line segment with self-intersection and MVT

Reported by: Michael Keller Owned by: pramsey
Priority: medium Milestone: PostGIS 3.4.3
Component: postgis Version: 3.4.x
Keywords: mvt, self-intersection Cc: Michael Keller

Description (last modified by pramsey)

I'm trying to generate a vector tile layer of a linestring consisting of four points (you could use more than four points but this is just a simplified example). Here is the linestring in geojson (

The second and the fourth points are the same, so the line doubles back on itself. When I use this query ( in a tile server, the third point in the line string is missing.

I've made a full but simple reproduction with photos here:

I also tried using the dirt-simple-postgis-http-api ( instead of the one I wrote and I get the same result.

However, if I generate the tiles using geojson2mvt (, the line renders correctly. A stack exchange user reported that generating the tiles with MapTiler also renders the line correctly (

Change History (12)

comment:1 by pramsey, 14 months ago

Description: modified (diff)

In what XYZ tile address do you see the effect? All at all Z scales? Multiple Z scales? One? A useful repro from my PoV is a piece of SQL that generates an obviously wrong tile.

comment:2 by pramsey, 14 months ago

For example, I tried these tests and didn't repro.

CREATE TABLE path_line AS 
SELECT 'LINESTRING(-74.00257 40.74101, -73.98698 40.74101, -73.97476 40.729633, -73.98698 40.74101)'::geometry(Linestring, 4326) AS geom;

SELECT ST_AsText(ST_AsMVTGeom(ST_Transform(geom,3857), ST_TileEnvelope(17,38598,49267))) FROM path_line;
SELECT ST_AsText(ST_AsMVTGeom(ST_Transform(geom,3857), ST_TileEnvelope(17,38597,49267))) FROM path_line;

SELECT ST_AsText(ST_AsMVTGeom(ST_Transform(geom,3857), ST_TileEnvelope(16,19298,24633))) FROM path_line;
SELECT ST_AsText(ST_AsMVTGeom(ST_Transform(geom,3857), ST_TileEnvelope(16,19299,24633))) FROM path_line;

comment:3 by pramsey, 13 months ago

Milestone: PostGIS 3.4.2PostGIS 3.4.3

comment:4 by tjcaverly, 12 months ago

This issue is also described here

The problem is in the algorithm used by ST_SIMPLIFY with tolerance = 0.


select st_astext(
    'LINESTRING (2 2,3 2,4 1,3 2, 4 4)'

incorrectly removes the 3rd point. This will happen whenever a linestring contains consecutive points A, B and C with A=C. This will affect any vector tile geoms created with ST_ASMVTGEOM containing such linestrings, as long as the whole linestring is on one tile.

ST_SIMPLIFY tolerance = 0 uses ptarray_simplify_in_place_tolerance0, which will remove point B between A and C if it is exactly on line segment A, C, however it needs special handling for the case when A=C since this will cause false positives. This could be fixed by always keeping point B in cases with A = C. (I think removing consecutive duplicate points is handled in a separate step and doesn't need to be done here)

comment:5 by robe, 12 months ago

when I do

select st_astext(
    'LINESTRING (2 2,3 2,4 1,3 2, 4 4)'

I get back:

` LINESTRING(2 2,3 2,4 4)



` SELECT postgis_full_version();

POSTGIS="3.5.0dev 3.4.0rc1-972-ga832b8598" [EXTENSION] PGSQL="160" GEOS="3.13.0dev-CAPI-1.18.0" PROJ="9.3.1 NETWORK_ENABLED=OFF URL_ENDPOINT= USER_WRITABLE_DIRECTORY=/tmp/proj DATABASE_PATH=/usr/share/proj/proj.db" GDAL="GDAL 3.8.1, released 2023/11/28" LIBXML="2.9.14" LIBJSON="0.17" LIBPROTOBUF="1.4.1" WAGYU="0.5.0 (Internal)" (core procs from "3.5.0dev 3.4.0rc1-1013-g1284f168d" need upgrade) RASTER (raster lib from "3.5.0dev 3.4.0rc1-1039-g88c3893c7" need upgrade) (raster procs from "3.5.0dev 3.4.0rc1-1013-g1284f168d" need upgrade) `

This is different from the answer stated in the stack exchange you reference of:

select st_astext(
    'LINESTRING (2 2,3 2,4 1,3 2)'

"LINESTRING(2 2,3 2,3 2)"

What exactly are you getting? and please state the versions of postgis and related libs you are using.

comment:6 by tjcaverly, 12 months ago

SELECT postgis_full_version()

POSTGIS="3.3.2 4975da8" [EXTENSION] PGSQL="140" GEOS="3.9.0-CAPI-1.16.2" PROJ="7.2.1" LIBXML="2.9.10" LIBJSON="0.15" LIBPROTOBUF="1.3.3" WAGYU="0.5.0 (Internal)"

I get the same result as you,

select st_astext(
    'LINESTRING (2 2,3 2,4 1,3 2, 4 4)'

"LINESTRING(2 2,3 2,4 4)"

This incorrectly removes the 3rd point, erasing a large portion of the geometry. It then removes the 4th point since it's the same as the 2nd, which doesn't affect anything. Correct behavior would be returning LINESTRING (2 2,3 2,4 1,3 2, 4 4).

The example on stackexchange is different but shows the same bug.

comment:7 by pramsey, 11 months ago

Hm, manifests in a fun performance optimization, and gives the right answer if that optimization is removed.

comment:8 by pramsey, 11 months ago

This fixed the particular case, and passes all tests

diff --git a/liblwgeom/ptarray.c b/liblwgeom/ptarray.c
index 7d9c8c0cd..b331c9558 100644
--- a/liblwgeom/ptarray.c
+++ b/liblwgeom/ptarray.c
@@ -1685,7 +1685,11 @@ ptarray_simplify_in_place_tolerance0(POINTARRAY *pa)
                double dot_ac_ab = ca_x * ba_x + ca_y * ba_y;
                double s_numerator = ca_x * ba_y - ca_y * ba_x;
-               if (dot_ac_ab < 0.0 || dot_ac_ab > ab_length_sqr || s_numerator != 0)
+               if (p2d_same(kept_pt, next_pt) ||
+                       dot_ac_ab < 0.0 ||
+                       dot_ac_ab > ab_length_sqr ||
+                       s_numerator != 0)
                        kept_pt = curr_pt;
Last edited 11 months ago by pramsey (previous) (diff)

comment:9 by Paul Ramsey <pramsey@…>, 11 months ago

In 2c68d130/git:

Do not remove points when doubling back at zero tolerance, references #5654

comment:10 by Paul Ramsey <pramsey@…>, 11 months ago

In 8c30a25a/git:

Do not remove points when doubling back at zero tolerance, references #5654

comment:11 by pramsey, 11 months ago

Resolution: fixed
Status: newclosed

Fixed at [8c30a25ac/git]

Last edited 11 months ago by strk (previous) (diff)

comment:12 by Michael Keller, 7 months ago

Sorry I thought I had notifications turned on for activity on this thread but I did not. Thanks a bunch for investigating and finding a fix. I'm looking forward to using it in 3.4.3.

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