Version 123 (modified by 14 years ago) ( diff ) | ,
PostGIS Raster Planning and Funding
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This is the development page of PostGIS Raster - a project extending PostGIS engine with raster support.
Need more PostGIS Raster features? - If you need support for raster in PostgreSQL or you have to do raster/vector operations, help us develop PostGIS Raster! PostGIS Raster development is a work in progress. Each slice of 2000$ will bring new functions in! The approximate cost of the whole project is about 60 000$US. If 30 groups each give 2000$US, we will have the best seamless raster/vector set of SQL functions available!
Time or Money - You can contribute with money or developer time (DevTime). Contributing give you the opportunity to have a word to say on the development priorities and on the schedule.
For financial contribution, the conversion rate between time and money is 1200$ per week = approx. 5000US$ per month = approx. 60 000 US$ per year. Coders have to be experienced C developer with a minimal object oriented database development experience. There are some developers out there willing to offer their services to implement your needs.
Expectations - We expect that contributors will:
- Try to follow the schedule or at least arrange it to fit their particular needs as much as possible in accordance with the project roadmap. The project is divided into coherent groups of tasks. We are very flexible on modifying the content of those sections.
- Contribute to the specifications in order to agree and to keep track of what's done. Specifications of the intented development should be described in the Specifications page and submited to the postgis-devel mailing list for comments before starting development. Ask Pierre Racine to get write access to the specification page.
- Contribute to the Documentation as much as they can to make sure we produce a coherent and a professional open source product.
Advices to developers - We can assure degree of quality with obeying basic rules and development cycle process, most of them are easily executable:
- If you add new C API function, always add test case for it in test/core.
- If you add new SQL function, always add test case for it in test/regress.
- Always do full build of PostGIS Raster before commit (with new tests included).
- Always run all PostGIS Raster unit tests before commit (with new tests included).
- Do not commit anything if any of the two occurs: a) PostGIS Raster build failed b) PostGIS Raster tests failed.
- Try to do full rebuild and full tests run of all related components: GEOS + PostGIS + PostGIS Raster.
- Frequently check if PostGIS Raster build is "green" in the very our :-) Hudson bay
- Don't worry if something got broken after a commit. A broken code is a daily bread and errors are valuable. Just don't let buggy commits to accumulate, but fix as soon as first error is spotted.
- Adding new test cases are the only time consuming element, but even a very simple test is worth (i.e. test/regress/rt_box2d.sql)
Objectives & Tasks - are arranged into coherent groups: Similar functions together and dependencies first.
Developers having worked or available for future work on the project
PostGIS Raster development team members with officially allocated tasks:
- Mateusz Loskot (ML) at (Cadcorp)
- Pierre Racine (PR) at (University Laval)
- Sandro Santilli (SS)
- Jorge Arévalo (JA) at (Deimos Space)
Unofficial PostGIS Raster development members with unofficially allocated tasks:
- David Zwarg (DZ) at (Avencia, Inc.)
- Regina Obe (RO) at (Paragon Corporation)
Funding Contributors
Prime financial contributors who established development of the PostGIS Raster project:
- Steve Cumming (SC): 2400 + 4800 + 4800 + 1200 = $13200 USD
- Martin Daly (MD), (Cadcorp): $2600 USD and 2 weeks of Development Time (DT)
- Tyler Erickson (TE), (Michigan Tech Research Institute): $1200 USD
Development Status
Explanation of status markers used in the tables below:
- todo: The task has not yet been funded. Everything is to do.
- funded: Someone committed some funding or developer time and the task has been assigned to a developper but the task is still to do.
- in-progress: The task is being implemented.
- pending: The developer is waiting for other development to continue.
- buggy: The tast has been implemented but is disfunctional for some reason.
- done: The task is finished.
Milestones for PostGIS 2.0
Objectives and Tasks | Coder | Approx. Schedule | Time | Approx. Contribution (US$) | Status |
Objective 2.0.01 - Being able to get and set the rotation of a raster. (specifications) | |||||
- ST_Rotation(raster) - ST_SetRotation(raster, rotation) | DZ | 2 days | 480 | funded | |
Objective 2.0.02 - Being able to create a raster as the expression of another raster (specifications) | |||||
- ST_MapAlgebra(raster) | JA | 2 weeks | 2400 | funded | |
Objective 2.0.03 - Being able to create a raster as the expression of two other rasters (specifications) | |||||
- ST_MapAlgebra(raster, raster) - ST_SameAlignment(raster, raster) | JA | 4 weeks | 4800 | funded | |
Objective 2.0.04 - Implement better handling for NULL, ST_IsEmpty, ST_HasNoBand and ST_BandIsNodata rasters (specifications) | |||||
- ST_IsEmpty(raster) - ST_HasNoBand(raster, band) - ST_BandIsNodata(raster, band) | PR | 2 weeks | 2400 | funded | |
Objective 2.0.05 - Being able to set and get values for part of a raster (specifications) | |||||
- ST_SetValues(raster) - ST_Clip(raster) | PR | 2 weeks | 2400 | funded | |
Objective 2.0.06 - Being able to add a band to a raster (specifications) | |||||
- ST_AddBand() | PR | 2 weeks | 2400 | funded |
Milestones for Future Versions
Objectives and Tasks | Coder | Approx. Schedule | Time | Approx. Contribution (US$) | Status |
Objective FV.01 - Being able to return a JPEG, a TIFF or a PNG. - Done (specifications) | |||||
- ST_Band(raster, band) -> raster - ST_AsJPEG(raster, band, quality) -> JPEG as "bytea" - ST_AsTIFF(raster, band, compression) -> TIFF as "bytea" - ST_AsPNG(raster, band) -> PNG as "bytea" | ML | TBD | 2 weeks | 2400 / DevTime from ML | todo |
Objective FV.02 - Being able to intersect vector and raster to produce raster. (specifications) | |||||
- ST_AsRaster(geometry, pixelsize) -> raster - Changes to ST_Intersection | TBD | TBD | 4 weeks | 4800 | todo |
Objective FV.03 - Implement all the necessary versions of ST_MapAlgebra. (specifications) | |||||
- ST_MapAlgebraExpr() - ST_MapAlgebraFct() - ST_MapAlgebraFctNgb(taking one raster) - ST_MapAlgebraFctNgb(taking one coverage (table)) - ST_MapAlgebraExpr(taking two rasters) - ST_MapAlgebraExpr(taking two coverages (tables)) - ST_MapAlgebraFct(taking two rasters) - ST_MapAlgebraFct(taking two coverages (tables)) | TBD | TBD | 8 weeks | 9600 | todo |
Objective FV.04 - Being able to use "group by" to accumulate tiles to form a new raster. (specifications) | |||||
- ST_Union(raster|geometry, raster|geometry, ‘raster’|’geometry’) -> raster/geometry - ST_Accum(raster set|geometry set, ‘raster’|’geometry’) -> raster/geometry | TBD | TBD | 2 weeks | 2400 | todo |
Objective FV.05 - Being able to reproject a raster. (specifications) | |||||
- ST_Transform(raster|geometry, SRID) -> same type as input | TBD | 1 week | 1200 | todo | |
Objective FV.06 - Being able todo some base raster operations. (specifications) | |||||
- ST_Area(raster|geometry) -> double - ST_Count(raster, value) -> integer - ST_Resample(raster, pixelsize, method) -> raster - ST_SelectByValue(raster|geometry, ‘expression’) -> same type as first argument - ST_Reclass(raster|geometry,string) -> same type as first argument - ST_Clip(raster|geometry,geometry) -> same type as first argument - ST_Flip(raster|geometry, ’vertical’|’horizontal’) -> same type as first argument | TBD | 6 weeks | 7200 | todo | |
Objective FV.07 - Being able to convert a raster to standards formats. (specifications) | |||||
- ST_AsKML(raster|geometry) -> string - ST_AsSVG(raster|geometry) -> string | TBD | 2 weeks | 2400 | todo | |
Objective FV.08 - Being able to control the validity of a raster. (specifications) | |||||
- ST_IsEmpty(raster|geometry) -> boolean - ST_mem_size(raster|geometry) -> integer - ST_isvalid(raster|geometry) -> boolean | TBD | 1 week | 1200 | todo | |
Objective FV.09 - Being able to use other major topological operators. (specifications) | |||||
- ST_Within(raster|geometry A, raster|geometry B) - ST_Contains(raster|geometry A, raster|geometry B) - ST_Overlaps(raster|geometry, raster|geometry) | TBD | 1 week | 1200 | todo | |
Objective FV.10 - Being able to derive a raster layer from vector layer. (specifications) | |||||
- ST_Interpolate(points, pixelsize, method) -> raster | TBD | 1 week | 1200 | todo | |
Objective FV.11 - Being able todo on rasters most operations available on geometries. (specifications) | |||||
- ST_Centroid(raster|geometry) -> point geometry - ST_PointOnSurface(raster|geometry) -> point geometry - ST_Buffer(raster|geometry, double) -> same type as first arg. - ST_Difference(raster|geometry A, raster|geometry B) -> same type as first argument - ST_SymDifference(raster|geometry,raster|geometry,‘raster’|’geometry’) -> raster/geometry | TBD | 4 weeks | 4800 | todo | |
Objective FV.12 - Being able to use all the other topological operators. (specifications) | |||||
- ST_Equals(raster|geometry, raster|geometry) - ST_Disjoint(raster|geometry, raster|geometry) - ST_Touches(raster|geometry, raster|geometry) - ST_Crosses(raster|geometry, raster|geometry) - ST_Covers(raster|geometry A, raster|geometry B) - ST_IsCoveredBy(raster|geometry A, raster|geometry B) - ST_Relate(raster|geometry, raster|geometry, intersectionPatternMatrix ) | TBD | 2 weeks | 2400 | todo | |
Objective FV.13 - Being able to edit a raster. (specifications) | |||||
- ST_Affine(raster|geometry,...) -> same type as input - ST_Translate(raster|geometry,...) -> same type as input - ST_Scale(raster|geometry,...) -> same type as input - ST_TransScale(raster|geometry,...) -> same type as input - ST_RotateZ,Y,Z(raster|geometry, float8) -> same type as input | TBD | 2 weeks | 2400 | todo | |
Other functions | |||||
- ST_AsBinary(raster, compression) (specifications) | ML (start ST_AsBinary) | 2 weeks | 2400 / DevTime from MD | in-progress | |
- ST_RasterFromWKB(raster, [<srid>]) | TBD | TBD | - | - | todo |
- ST_RasterFromText(string, [<srid>]) | TBD | TBD | - | - | todo |
- ST_AsText(raster)) | TBD | TBD | - | - | todo |
- ST_SetPath(string) | TBD | TBD | - | - | todo |
GDAL Driver Milestones
Objectives and Tasks | Coder | Approx. Schedule | Time | Approx. Contribution (US$) | Status |
Objective 1 - Being able to read in-db regular blocking WKT Raster with the GDAL driver. (specifications) | |||||
- Read a WKT Raster from database (in-db, regular blocking) | JA | July - August 2010 | TBD | DevTime from JA | done |
Objective 2 - Being able to read out-db irregular blocking WKT Raster with the GDAL driver. (specifications) | |||||
- Read a WKT Raster from database (out-db, irregular blocking) | JA | July - August 2010 | TBD | DevTime from JA | todo |
Objective 3 - Being able to write WKT Raster with the GDAL driver. (specifications) | |||||
- Create a new WKT Raster in database (in-db/out-db, regular/irregular blocking) | JA | July - August 2010 | TBD | DevTime from JA | todo |
Old Milestones for Beta 0.1.6 - All Done
Objectives and Tasks | Coder | Approx. Schedule | Time | Approx. Contribution (US$) | Status |
Objective 0.1.6a - Being able to create tables with RASTER fields | |||||
Initial setup: type definition, canonical input/output | SS | January 2009 | 4 weeks | 2400 by SC 2600 by MD | done |
Objective 0.1.6b - Being able to select RASTER values based on bbox spatial relation | |||||
Spatial operators with semantic matching postgis ones | SS | February 2009 | 1 week | 1200 by TE | done |
GiST indexing support | PR | February 2009 | 1 week | 1200 by SC | done |
Objective 0.1.6c - Being able to load raster in the database (specifications) | ||||| as a prototype of raster2pgsql.exe based on GDAL | ML | February 2009 | 1 week | DevTime from MD | done |
Objective 0.1.6d - Being able to get all the properties of a raster (all the "Get" functions). (specifications) | |||||
- ST_SRID(raster|geometry) -> integer - ST_Width(raster) -> integer - ST_Height(raster) -> integer - ST_PixelSizeX(raster) -> float32 - ST_PixelSizeY(raster) -> float32 - ST_RotationX(raster) -> float32 - ST_RotationY(raster) -> float32 - ST_UpperLeftX(raster) -> float32 - ST_UpperLeftY(raster) -> float32 - ST_GeoReference(raster) -> string - ST_NumBands(raster) -> integer - ST_BandPixelType(raster, band) -> string - ST_BandNoDataValue(raster, band) -> float32 | ML | February 2009 | 1 weeks | DevTime from MD | done |
Objective 0.1.6e - Being able to intersect geometries and rasters to produce geometries . (specifications) | |||||
- ST_ConvexHull(raster) -> polygon geometry - ST_Envelope(raster|geometry) -> polygon geometry - ST_Polygon(raster) -> polygon geometry - ST_DumpAsPolygons(raster) -> polygon geometry set - ST_Intersects(raster|geometry, raster|geometry) - ST_Intersection(raster|geometry, raster|geometry)->geometry set | JA & PR | July - August 2010 | 8 weeks | 4800 by SC / DevTime from JA | done |
Objective 0.1.6f - Being able to set all the properties of a raster. (specifications) | |||||
- ST_SetSRID(raster|geometry, integer) - ST_SetPixelSize(raster, pixelsizex, pixelsizey) - ST_SetBandNoDataValue(raster, band, nodatavalue) - ST_SetGeoReference(raster, string) - ST_SetSkew(raster, skewx, skewy) - ST_SetUpperLeft(raster, x, y) | DZ | April 2010 | 1 week | Devtime from DZ | done |
Objective 0.1.6g - Being able to register images as raster stored outside the database. (specifications) | |||||
- Mostly changes to - ST_BandPath() -> string | PR | February 2010 | 1 weeks | 2400 | done |
Objective 0.1.6h - Being able to quickly get metadata for raster and band. | |||||
- ST_Metadata(rast) - ST_BandMetadata(rast | PR | June 2010 | 1 day | DevTime from SC | done |
Objective 0.1.6i - Being able to easily convert world coordinates to raster coordinates. | |||||
- ST_World2RasterCoordX(rast, xw, yw) - ST_World2RasterCoordY(rast, xw, yw) - ST_Raster2WorldCoordX(rast, xr, yr) - ST_Raster2WorldCoordY(rast, xr, yr) | PR | June 2010 | 3 day | DevTime from SC | done |
Objective 0.1.6j - Being able to set and know if a band nodata value is a true nodata value. | |||||
- ST_BandHasNodataValue(rast, band) - ST_SetBandHasNodataValue(rast, band, boolean) | PR | June 2010 | 1 day | DevTime from SC | done |
Objective 0.1.6k - Being able to get and set the value of a pixel. | |||||
- ST_Value(rast, band, x, y) - ST_SetValue(rast, band, x, y, val) | PR | July 2010 | 1 day | DevTime from SC | done |