Opened 14 years ago

Closed 7 years ago

#758 closed enhancement (fixed)

Enable HTTP compression for WMS and WFS providers

Reported by: jng Owned by: gregboone
Priority: major Milestone:
Component: WFS Provider Version: 3.6.0
Severity: 3 Keywords:
Cc: External ID:


The WMS and WFS providers should utilise HTTP compression

From a cursory glance of what I think is the code where both providers make their http requests (FdoOwsHttpHandler.cpp) I see that the libcurl option to use compression (CURLOPT_ENCODING) has not been set.

While performance gains would be negligible for the WMS provider (given WMS servers serve raster imagery which is either already compressed or hard to compress anyway), the WFS provider should get significant reductions in download times of WFS responses as they are text-based and usually have good compression ratios.

Change History (2)

comment:1 by jng, 13 years ago

The above suggestion is not possible with the current source tree as libcurl is not built with zlib support, so while the above suggestion will correctly instruct the http server to compress the response (if supported by the server), the libcurl we have in thirdparty will fail to decode the compressed content due to the lack of zlib support.

comment:2 by jng, 7 years ago

Resolution: fixed
Status: newclosed

When building via CMake, system libcurl is used which has compression support. Considering this fixed.

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