Opened 15 years ago

Closed 15 years ago

#134 closed task (fixed)

Document osgeo-setup.exe commandline options

Reported by: jmckenna Owned by: jmckenna
Priority: minor Component: Documentation
Version: Keywords:
Cc: warmerdam, hhayashi


  • all commandline options should be documented in the wiki
  • reported by user:
Tomas_IV wrote:
> I had problems with performing unattended local install (I suppose you know
> about the crashes in this mode, it had been reported by others
> so I wanted to fiddle with
> command-line options. 
> What was my surprise, when I was not able to get list of options available!
> I tried --help, -h, -help, /h, /? to no avail. There is no output at all
> (not even an error message), depending on the options tried it either does
> nothing or starts the gui. I was not even able to find a list of available
> options anywhere on the internet. If I missed something, please let me know
> - or should I add this as a new ticket?
> I tried with version just downloaded from
> -there does not seem to
> be any way to get version information either.

I will create the wiki page, but I am also unsure of all of the available options.

Change History (2)

comment:1 by warmerdam, 15 years ago

Cc: warmerdam hhayashi added
Owner: changed from jmckenna,hhayashi to jmckenna

If I do "setup -h" I get a setup.log in the local directory containing:

2010/02/16 10:39:04 Starting cygwin install, version 2.579
2010/02/16 10:39:04 Current Directory: n:\OSGeo4W_cache
2010/02/16 10:39:04 
Command Line Options:
 -t --test                              Use setup_test.ini
 -a --advanced                          Advanced install (as opposed to Express)
 -S --safe                              Safe Mode (Skip some admin actions)
 -D --download                          Download from internet
 -L --local-install                     Install from local directory
 -s --site                              Download site
 -R --root                              Root installation directory
 -p --proxy                             HTTP/FTP proxy (host:port)
 -q --quiet-mode                        Unattended setup mode
 -h --help                              print help
 -l --local-package-dir                 Local package directory
 -r --no-replaceonreboot                Disable replacing in-use files on next
 -n --no-shortcuts                      Disable creation of desktop and start
                                        menu shortcuts
 -N --no-startmenu                      Disable creation of start menu shortcut
 -d --no-desktop                        Disable creation of desktop shortcut
 -A --disable-buggy-antivirus           Disable known or suspected buggy anti
                                        virus software packages during
Ending cygwin install

PS. I think having two "assigned tos" will defeat a normal operation of Trac reports, so I've moved Hayashi-san to the cc list.

comment:2 by jmckenna, 15 years ago

Resolution: fixed
Status: newclosed

Ok thanks Frank. I have documented the options at

Note that if I try -h with the original cygwin setup.exe the output is sent correctly to the Command window, and also to setup.log.full (our installer does not send the ouput to the Command window).


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