Opened 15 years ago

Closed 15 years ago

#173 closed defect (fixed)

apt fails to download setup.ini

Reported by: maphew Owned by: maphew
Priority: critical Component: Installer
Version: Keywords: pkg-apt


apt setup appears to run okay but further options such as apt new fail with messages like

error: zlib not in [curr]
error: libtiff not in [curr]
error: apt not in [curr]
error: python-win32 not in [curr]

Turns out that ./etc/setup/setup.ini is a html 404 page, "The requested URL /osgeo4w/setup.ini was not found on this server."

the server is now using setup.ini.bz2 -- which is good, saves a lot on bandwidth and download time -- but now apt does need to learn how to handle bzip2.

Change History (1)

comment:1 by maphew, 15 years ago

Resolution: fixed
Status: newclosed

(In [1167]) - closes ticket:173, apt knows to get .bz2 ini instead;

upgraded Leo, future diffs should be less noisy now

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