Version 14 (modified by 15 years ago) ( diff ) | ,
FAQ: よくある質問
- "Skip":パッケージがインストールされていない、そしてインストールされてないことを表します。
- "Keep":パッケージがインストールされていて、変更されないことを表します。
- "Uninstall":パッケージがすでにインストールされていて、アンインストールすることを表します。
- "Reinstall":最新のバージョンのパッケージが再インストールされていることを表します。
- A version (1.0.0-1など):このバージョンのパッケージがインストールされること、そしてお存在するバージョンへ置き換え可能なことを表します。
To request a package be installed click on "Skip" and it will change to the most current version of the package available. Clicking additional times on this column will cycle through other options.
If it is difficult to find a particular package, it may be helpful to hit the "View" button in the top right corner of the dialog, and change to the "Full" view giving one long alphabetical list of packages.
Yes. The default mode for the OSGeo4W installer is to check the server for newer versions of package, and if available they will be downloaded and installed. The OSGeo4W package maintainers generally try to issue new versions of packages for project point (bug fix) releases, and sometimes even more frequently. As well, new versions of packages may be issued to correct packaging problems.
When going through the Advanced install path, it is possible select "Keep" on the radio buttons near the top of the Select Packages dialog in order to default to keeping the existing versions of packages instead of updating to the latest. The default setting (Curr) updates to the most current version.
Individual package can be uninstalled via the Advanced install path. In the package listing click on the "New" column until the value changes to "Uninstall". Currently packages do not clean up desktop or start menu icons when uninstalling, this may be done manually.
Currently there is no installer option to uninstall OSGeo4W completely. However, when all OSGeo4W applications, shells and services (like apache) are shutdown it is possible to just delete the whole OSGeo4W file tree (usually C:\OSGeo4W).
OSGeo4Wをインストールしたいが、Apacheが既にインストールされている場合 (OSGeo4Wでない場合)
In that case you would not want to install it again (uncheck the Apache option).
Under your existing Apache directory there should be a "conf" subdirectory; typically you would edit the file "httpd.conf" within that subdirectory as follows.
(説明を追加してください)- この説明が必要です)
In some situations a "net-install" is not appropriate, and it is required that all installation components are already collected locally. A method for accomplishing this has been posted to the QGIS blog. In summary: From a net-connected computer choose the "download without install" option, select the installers you want, download the needed files, transfer them, then on the unconnected machine run the installer with the "Install from local directory" option, or from the Windows command prompt with following options:
osgeo4w-setup.exe -q --local-install --root c:\OSGeo4w -l "c:\osgeoPackages\\release"
Select "IE5 Settings" when it asks you about internet connections. (And make sure that your Windows network connection settings include the required proxy server login details)