- 22:35 Ticket #774 (pgrouting quickstart examples do not work) created by
- run LiveDVD RC2 user@osgeo-live:/home/shared$ psql pgrouting psql …
- 18:04 Ticket #773 (sahana web2py error in 5.0rc2 log) created by
- […] no idea if that is fatal or harmless, .. Hamish
- 17:35 Ticket #772 (rasdaman build errors in 5.0rc2) created by
- […] […] […] it is unknown to me if any of the above are …
- 15:07 Ticket #680 (Update list of files for translation) closed by
- fixed: This is an ongoing activity to be performed during documentation …
- 13:45 Ticket #771 (AtlasStyler does not open from ISO, but seems to work from VM) created by
- On 23/08/11 00:35, Angelos Tzotsos wrote: > Hi all, > > I have been …
- 11:17 Ticket #736 (QGIS plugin bundle updates) closed by
- fixed: Fixed as of 5rc1
- 05:15 Ticket #770 (xubuntu gdm autologin only works upon boot, not after a logout) created by
- Hi, xubuntu's gdm doesn't automatically log you back in after 20sec …
- 03:47 Ticket #769 (R: GRASS plugin doc does not display completely) closed by
- fixed: done in r7008. Hamish
- 03:32 Ticket #742 (uDig Web View Error - quickstart guide is broken) closed by
- fixed
- 03:28 Ticket #758 (rasdaman failing to build) closed by
- fixed: afaik now fixed, reopen if needed.
- 03:27 Ticket #759 (starting mapnik on osgeo-live doesn't work) closed by
- fixed
- 03:24 Ticket #645 (Marble crash when cancelling layer generation) closed by
- fixed: seems fixed in the latest version.
- 03:22 Ticket #646 (Viking confused by zoom out/in) closed by
- fixed: seems ok in the new version
- 03:04 Ticket #766 (/home/user/Desktop/Databases only contains one icon) closed by
- fixed: should be fixed now. I kept the Rasdaman icons all together in the db …
- 02:59 Ticket #613 (make better use of the Geospatial Databases menu) closed by
- fixed: afaik all ok now
- 02:55 Ticket #648 (Dead link from start menu) closed by
- fixed: now it simply points to the overview page, but it works.
- 02:49 Ticket #732 (Create German Translation for uDig Quickstart) closed by
- fixed
- 02:46 Ticket #697 (gosmore icon not working) closed by
- fixed
- 02:44 Ticket #628 (files overly writable) closed by
- fixed
- 02:41 Ticket #617 (improve content.html build logic) closed by
- fixed: OpenJUMP overview and quickstart now seems to be all ok.
- 02:38 Ticket #767 (geomajas: slightly longer startup delay needed) closed by
- duplicate: dupe of #754.
- 23:50 Ticket #769 (R: GRASS plugin doc does not display completely) created by
- partial drawing and odd colored rectangles in 'spgrass6_0.3.pdf when …
- 00:16 Ticket #768 (osgEarth: quickstart example doesn't work) closed by
- fixed: ok, the osgearth-data was suggested but not installed. installing it …
- 00:05 Ticket #768 (osgEarth: quickstart example doesn't work) created by
- Hi, if you follow the steps in the osgEarth quickstart, […] it …
- 23:56 Ticket #767 (geomajas: slightly longer startup delay needed) created by
- Hi, the start_geomajas script could use a few more seconds on the …
- 05:49 Ticket #766 (/home/user/Desktop/Databases only contains one icon) created by
- In osgeolive5.0rc1, the directory /home/user/Desktop/Databases only …
- 20:11 Ticket #765 (tomcat not working on the ISO version, ok on the VM version) created by
- I've tried running the rasdaman quickstart, latest version at: …
- 20:02 Ticket #764 (rasdaman icons not in pull down menu, or in /home/user/Desktop/Databases) closed by
- invalid: > But instead they have been installed into /home/user/Desktop …
- 19:52 Ticket #764 (rasdaman icons not in pull down menu, or in /home/user/Desktop/Databases) created by
- I've run the latest install_rasdaman.sh successfully inside …
- 12:53 Ticket #753 (52nWSS not working properly on OSGeoLive?) closed by
- fixed: Ok, this was a simple typo in the documentation. Must be …
- 06:43 Ticket #761 (sahana failing to set up Denver content) created by
- Hi, the sahana install script tries to use 'sed -i' to set up lat/lon …
- 04:56 Ticket #750 (ushahidi doesn't connect to DB during quickstart setup) closed by
- fixed: On 19/08/11 19:43, Henry Addo wrote: > Fixed the installer and updated …
- 16:41 Ticket #760 (Marble crashes when zooming in 17 times) created by
- I opened Marble from the OSGeo-Live DVD 5.0rc1, http://live.osgeo.org …
- 14:07 Ticket #751 (WPS doesn't open on first click) closed by
- fixed: confirmed fixed in osgeolive5.0rc1 (Although it seems that there are …
- 05:03 Ticket #759 (starting mapnik on osgeo-live doesn't work) created by
- We have a number of issues with mapnik on OSGeo-Live: I ran the …
- 04:44 Ticket #758 (rasdaman failing to build) created by
- Hi, install_rasdaman.sh is still failing to build in 5.0rc1. […] …
- 15:55 Ticket #757 (qgis_server should be accessible at http://localhost/qgis_server) created by
- In osgeolive 5.0b5, If you click on the qgis_server icon, it opens: …
- 15:26 Ticket #756 (GeoNetwork Home icon doesn't start GeoNetwork) created by
- In OSGeoLive, there are 3 GeoNetwork icons, when I believe there …
- 15:05 Ticket #755 (geomajas quickstart requires maven, but maven not installed) created by
- The geomajas quickstart describes how to set up a new project using …
- 13:45 Ticket #754 (GeoMajas doesn't work on first click) created by
- In osgeolive5.0beta5, I click on the GeoMajas icon, a loading …
- 19:19 Ticket #753 (52nWSS not working properly on OSGeoLive?) created by
- I've been running osgeolive5.0b4 in a virtual machine, and testing …
- 15:48 Ticket #752 (52N WPS example queries an external WPS, causing errors when not connected) created by
- When disconnected from the internet, and following the Quickstart …
- 09:41 Ticket #743 (Mapfish fails to open) closed by
- fixed: fixed in B4
- 04:32 Ticket #751 (WPS doesn't open on first click) created by
- When you click on the WPS icon for the first time after starting a VM, …
- 16:46 Ticket #750 (ushahidi doesn't connect to DB during quickstart setup) created by
- Running osgeolive5.0b5, I open a clean VM, then open ushahidi …
- 04:24 Ticket #747 ("right" directive not working when generating osgeo-live docs using sphinx) closed by
- fixed: Fixed as suggested by Hamish, by updating the …
- 04:56 Ticket #747 ("right" directive not working when generating osgeo-live docs using sphinx) created by
- On ubuntu 11.04 (which is what osgeo-live 5.0 is based upon), the …
- 10:42 Ticket #743 (Mapfish fails to open) created by
- Web page shows Server Error Apache error.log shows "no database"
- 04:42 Ticket #742 (uDig Web View Error - quickstart guide is broken) created by
- View doesn't initialize correctly because MOZILLA_FIVE_HOME …
- 11:43 Ticket #740 (WFS from GeoServer failed) closed by
- worksforme: Sorry - works for me with today's alpha4
- 04:08 Ticket #740 (WFS from GeoServer failed) created by
- Trying to use the lastest OSGeoLive DVD 5.0 alpha I get strange …
- 23:56 Ticket #678 (uDig wms connections in catalog not working) closed by
- fixed: The DM solutions server is back and working again
- 21:24 Ticket #736 (QGIS plugin bundle updates) created by
- Plugin bundle is out of date, again. We should probably write a short …
- 08:00 Ticket #735 (Download Link in OSGeo Wiki for latest stable Release is broken) closed by
- fixed: updated to http://download.osgeo.org/livedvd/release/4.5
- 06:26 Ticket #735 (Download Link in OSGeo Wiki for latest stable Release is broken) created by
- See http://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/Live_GIS_Disc#Downloads […]
- 16:13 Ticket #734 (Add "getting involved" page and link from index page) closed by
- fixed: We have a "Contact Us" page which provides most of the information …
- 12:03 Ticket #734 (Add "getting involved" page and link from index page) created by
- To get users involved it would be great having a page with links to * …
- 23:26 Ticket #732 (Create German Translation for uDig Quickstart) created by
- The udig_overview is already translated, udig_quickstart would be nice …
- 16:22 Ticket #731 (SVN commit access for LiveDVD) closed by
- fixed: You've been added. As for your script I have a few …
- 12:02 Ticket #731 (SVN commit access for LiveDVD) created by
- Hi, I'm managing the MapProxy package and documentation for the …
See TracTimeline
for information about the timeline view.