Opened 5 years ago

Closed 5 years ago

#4673 closed defect (duplicate)

[raster] PG 13 / GDAL latest: rt_gdalwarp regress failing

Reported by: Algunenano Owned by: Bborie Park
Priority: high Milestone: PostGIS 3.1.0
Component: raster Version: master
Keywords: Cc:


Travis build:

Extract (there are more lines):

--- rt_gdalwarp_expected	2020-04-28 03:50:06.000000000 +0000
+++ /tmp/pgis_reg/test_52_out	2020-04-28 03:56:03.643668132 +0000
@@ -8,28 +8,28 @@
 NOTICE:  Values must be provided for both X and Y when specifying the scale.  Returning original raster
 NOTICE:  Values must be provided for both X and Y when specifying the scale.  Returning original raster

Change History (7)

comment:1 by Bas Couwenberg, 5 years ago

See also #4679 for 3.0.x.

comment:2 by Algunenano, 5 years ago

Priority: mediumhigh

I've hit this again when preparing PG13 images with PROJ 7 and GDAL 3.0.1 (#4701). I could not see an easy change to fix this (I don't really know much about raster) so for now I'm going to disable those tests and continue in my merry way.

comment:3 by Raúl Marín <git@…>, 5 years ago

In 28d3e83/git:

rt_gdalwarp: Disable test that change under GDAL 3.1

References #4673

comment:4 by robe, 5 years ago

Not sure this is related, but debbie has been failing for a while at least since July 7th (probably earlier but I've she only keeps last 10 runs or so) testing GDAL Master (3.2) (I got to flip the version)

 -------------- Dependencies -------------- 
  GEOS config:          /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/geos/rel-3.9w64/bin/geos-config
  GEOS version:         3.9.0dev
  GDAL config:          /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/gdal/rel-3.1w64/bin/gdal-config
  GDAL version:         3.2.0
  SFCGAL config:        /usr/bin/sfcgal-config
  SFCGAL version:       1.3.7
  PostgreSQL config:    /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/pg/rel/pg10w64/bin/pg_config
  PostgreSQL version:   PostgreSQL 10.13
  PROJ4 version:        71
  Libxml2 config:       /usr/bin/xml2-config
  Libxml2 version:      2.9.10
  JSON-C support:       yes
  protobuf support:     yes
  protobuf-c version:   1003003
  PCRE support:         no
  Perl:                 /usr/bin/perl
  Wagyu:                yes

INFO: Self-intersection at or near point 2 -2 FAILED

  1. cu_raster_geometry.c:296 - CU_ASSERT_STRING_EQUAL(wkt,"MULTIPOLYGON(((1 0,1 -1,0 -1,0 -5,4 -5,5 -5,5 0,1 0)))")
  2. cu_raster_geometry.c:308 - CU_ASSERT_STRING_EQUAL(wkt,"MULTIPOLYGON(((1 0,1 -1,0 -1,0 -5,4 -5,5 -5,5 0,1 0),(1 -1,1 -2,2 -2,2 -1,1 -1)))")
  3. cu_raster_geometry.c:321 - CU_ASSERT_STRING_EQUAL(wkt,"MULTIPOLYGON(((1 -1,1 0,5 0,5 -5,4 -5,0 -5,0 -1,1 -1),(1 -1,1 -2,2 -2,2 -1,1 -1),(2 -2,2 -3,3 -3,3 -2,2 -2)))")
  4. cu_raster_geometry.c:335 - CU_ASSERT_STRING_EQUAL(wkt,"MULTIPOLYGON(((1 -1,1 0,5 0,5 -5,4 -5,0 -5,0 -1,1 -1),(1 -1,1 -2,2 -2,2 -1,1 -1),(2 -2,2 -3,3 -3,3 -2,2 -2),(3 -3,3 -4,4 -4,4 -3,3 -3)))")
  5. cu_raster_geometry.c:363 - CU_ASSERT_STRING_EQUAL(wkt,"MULTIPOLYGON(((1 -4,2 -4,2 -3,3 -3,3 -4,4 -4,4 -5,3 -5,1 -5,1 -4)),((1 -4,0 -4,0 -1,1 -1,1 -2,2 -2,2 -3,1 -3,1 -4)),((3 -2,4 -2,4 -1,5 -1,5 -4,4 -4,4 -3,3 -3,3 -2)),((3 -2,2 -2,2 -1,1 -1,1 0,4 0,4 -1,3 -1,3 -2)))")

comment:5 by robe, 5 years ago

full raster cunit output for completeness

 -------------- Dependencies -------------- 
  GEOS config:          /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/geos/rel-3.9w64/bin/geos-config
  GEOS version:         3.9.0dev
  GDAL config:          /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/gdal/rel-3.1w64/bin/gdal-config
  GDAL version:         3.2.0
  SFCGAL config:        /usr/bin/sfcgal-config
  SFCGAL version:       1.3.7
  PostgreSQL config:    /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/pg/rel/pg10w64/bin/pg_config
  PostgreSQL version:   PostgreSQL 10.13
  PROJ4 version:        71
  Libxml2 config:       /usr/bin/xml2-config
  Libxml2 version:      2.9.10
  JSON-C support:       yes
  protobuf support:     yes
  protobuf-c version:   1003003
  PCRE support:         no
  Perl:                 /usr/bin/perl
  Wagyu:                yes
Suite: pixtype
  Test: test_pixtype_size ...passed
  Test: test_pixtype_alignment ...passed
  Test: test_pixtype_name ...passed
  Test: test_pixtype_index_from_name ...passed
  Test: test_pixtype_get_min_value ...passed
  Test: test_pixtype_compare_clamped_values ...passed
Suite: raster_basics
  Test: test_raster_new ...passed
  Test: test_raster_empty ...passed
  Test: test_raster_metadata ...passed
  Test: test_raster_clone ...passed
  Test: test_raster_from_band ...passed
  Test: test_raster_replace_band ...passed
Suite: band_basics
  Test: test_band_metadata ...passed
  Test: test_band_pixtype_1BB ...passed
  Test: test_band_pixtype_2BUI ...passed
  Test: test_band_pixtype_4BUI ...passed
  Test: test_band_pixtype_8BUI ...passed
  Test: test_band_pixtype_8BSI ...passed
  Test: test_band_pixtype_16BUI ...passed
  Test: test_band_pixtype_16BSI ...passed
  Test: test_band_pixtype_32BUI ...passed
  Test: test_band_pixtype_32BSI ...passed
  Test: test_band_pixtype_32BF ...passed
  Test: test_band_pixtype_64BF ...passed
  Test: test_band_get_pixel_line ...WARNING: Limiting returning number values to 1
WARNING: Attempting to get pixel values with out of range raster coordinates: (5, 5)
  Test: test_band_new_offline_from_path ...passed
Suite: raster_wkb
  Test: test_raster_wkb ...SRID value -1 converted to the officially unknown SRID value 0
SRID value -1 converted to the officially unknown SRID value 0
SRID value -1 converted to the officially unknown SRID value 0
SRID value -1 converted to the officially unknown SRID value 0
SRID value -1 converted to the officially unknown SRID value 0
SRID value -1 converted to the officially unknown SRID value 0
Suite: gdal
  Test: test_gdal_configured ...passed
  Test: test_gdal_drivers ...passed
  Test: test_gdal_rasterize ...passed
  Test: test_gdal_polygonize ...FAILED
    1. cu_gdal.c:180  - CU_ASSERT_STRING_EQUAL(wkt,"POLYGON((3 1,3 2,2 2,2 3,1 3,1 6,2 6,2 7,3 7,3 8,5 8,5 6,3 6,3 3,4 3,5 3,5 1,3 1))")
    2. cu_gdal.c:196  - CU_ASSERT_STRING_EQUAL(wkt,"POLYGON((0 0,0 9,9 9,9 0,0 0),(6 7,6 8,3 8,3 7,2 7,2 6,1 6,1 3,2 3,2 2,3 2,3 1,6 1,6 2,7 2,7 3,8 3,8 6,7 6,7 7,6 7))")
    3. cu_gdal.c:232  - CU_ASSERT_STRING_EQUAL(wkt,"POLYGON((0 0,0 9,9 9,9 0,0 0),(6 7,6 8,3 8,3 7,2 7,2 6,1 6,1 3,2 3,2 2,3 2,3 1,6 1,6 2,7 2,7 3,8 3,8 6,7 6,7 7,6 7))")
    4. cu_gdal.c:260  - CU_ASSERT_STRING_EQUAL(wkt,"POLYGON((0 0,0 9,9 9,9 0,0 0),(6 7,6 8,3 8,3 7,2 7,2 6,1 6,1 3,2 3,2 2,3 2,3 1,6 1,6 2,7 2,7 3,8 3,8 6,7 6,7 7,6 7))")
    5. cu_gdal.c:264  - CU_ASSERT_STRING_EQUAL(wkt,"POLYGON((3 1,3 2,2 2,2 3,1 3,1 6,2 6,2 7,3 7,3 8,5 8,5 6,3 6,3 3,4 3,5 3,5 1,3 1))")
    6. cu_gdal.c:295  - CU_ASSERT_STRING_EQUAL(wkt,"POLYGON((3 1,3 2,2 2,2 3,1 3,1 6,2 6,2 7,3 7,3 8,5 8,5 6,3 6,3 3,4 3,5 3,5 1,3 1))")
    7. cu_gdal.c:327  - CU_ASSERT_STRING_EQUAL(wkt,"POLYGON((3 1,3 2,2 2,2 3,1 3,1 6,2 6,2 7,3 7,3 8,5 8,5 6,3 6,3 3,4 3,5 3,5 1,3 1))")
    8. cu_gdal.c:343  - CU_ASSERT_STRING_EQUAL(wkt,"POLYGON((0 0,0 9,9 9,9 0,0 0),(6 7,6 8,3 8,3 7,2 7,2 6,1 6,1 3,2 3,2 2,3 2,3 1,6 1,6 2,7 2,7 3,8 3,8 6,7 6,7 7,6 7))")
  Test: test_raster_to_gdal ...Warning 6: PNG driver doesn't support data type Float64. Only eight bit (Byte) and sixteen bit (UInt16) bands supported. Defaulting to Byte

  Test: test_gdal_to_raster ...passed
  Test: test_gdal_warp ...passed
Suite: raster_geometry
  Test: test_raster_envelope ...passed
  Test: test_raster_envelope_geom ...passed
  Test: test_raster_convex_hull ...passed
  Test: test_raster_surface ...INFO: Self-intersection at or near point 2 -2
INFO: Self-intersection at or near point 2 -2
    1. cu_raster_geometry.c:296  - CU_ASSERT_STRING_EQUAL(wkt,"MULTIPOLYGON(((1 0,1 -1,0 -1,0 -5,4 -5,5 -5,5 0,1 0)))")
    2. cu_raster_geometry.c:308  - CU_ASSERT_STRING_EQUAL(wkt,"MULTIPOLYGON(((1 0,1 -1,0 -1,0 -5,4 -5,5 -5,5 0,1 0),(1 -1,1 -2,2 -2,2 -1,1 -1)))")
    3. cu_raster_geometry.c:321  - CU_ASSERT_STRING_EQUAL(wkt,"MULTIPOLYGON(((1 -1,1 0,5 0,5 -5,4 -5,0 -5,0 -1,1 -1),(1 -1,1 -2,2 -2,2 -1,1 -1),(2 -2,2 -3,3 -3,3 -2,2 -2)))")
    4. cu_raster_geometry.c:335  - CU_ASSERT_STRING_EQUAL(wkt,"MULTIPOLYGON(((1 -1,1 0,5 0,5 -5,4 -5,0 -5,0 -1,1 -1),(1 -1,1 -2,2 -2,2 -1,1 -1),(2 -2,2 -3,3 -3,3 -2,2 -2),(3 -3,3 -4,4 -4,4 -3,3 -3)))")
    5. cu_raster_geometry.c:363  - CU_ASSERT_STRING_EQUAL(wkt,"MULTIPOLYGON(((1 -4,2 -4,2 -3,3 -3,3 -4,4 -4,4 -5,3 -5,1 -5,1 -4)),((1 -4,0 -4,0 -1,1 -1,1 -2,2 -2,2 -3,1 -3,1 -4)),((3 -2,4 -2,4 -1,5 -1,5 -4,4 -4,4 -3,3 -3,3 -2)),((3 -2,2 -2,2 -1,1 -1,1 0,4 0,4 -1,3 -1,3 -2)))")
  Test: test_raster_perimeter ...passed
  Test: test_raster_pixel_as_polygon ...passed
Suite: raster_misc
  Test: test_raster_cell_to_geopoint ...passed
  Test: test_raster_geopoint_to_cell ...passed
  Test: test_raster_from_two_rasters ...passed
  Test: test_raster_compute_skewed_raster ...passed
Suite: band_stats
  Test: test_band_stats ...passed
  Test: test_band_value_count ...passed
Suite: band_misc
  Test: test_band_get_nearest_pixel ...passed
  Test: test_band_get_pixel_of_value ...passed
  Test: test_pixel_set_to_array ...passed
Suite: mapalgebra
  Test: test_raster_iterator ...passed
  Test: test_band_reclass ...passed
  Test: test_raster_colormap ...passed
Suite: spatial_relationship
  Test: test_raster_geos_overlaps ...passed
  Test: test_raster_geos_touches ...passed
  Test: test_raster_geos_contains ...passed
  Test: test_raster_geos_contains_properly ...passed
  Test: test_raster_geos_covers ...passed
  Test: test_raster_geos_covered_by ...passed
  Test: test_raster_within_distance ...passed
  Test: test_raster_fully_within_distance ...passed
  Test: test_raster_intersects ...passed
  Test: test_raster_same_alignment ...passed
Suite: misc
  Test: test_rgb_to_hsv ...passed
  Test: test_hsv_to_rgb ...passed
  Test: test_util_gdal_open ...passed

Run Summary:    Type  Total    Ran Passed Failed Inactive
              suites     12     12    n/a      0        0
               tests     65     65     63      2        0
             asserts  45897  45897  45884     13      n/a

comment:6 by Algunenano, 5 years ago

I saw other issues with GDAL master too and created, but without any background on how raster is supposed to work it's hard to know if those are intended/valid changes or not.

comment:7 by Algunenano, 5 years ago

Resolution: duplicate
Status: newclosed
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