Opened 2 years ago

Last modified 2 years ago

#5298 closed defect

CopyTopology: ERROR: TopoGeometry 14678 does not exist in the child layer 1 — at Initial Version

Reported by: strk Owned by: strk
Priority: high Milestone: PostGIS 3.3.3
Component: topology Version: 3.3.x
Keywords: Cc:


When trying to copy a topology I get this error:

CopyTopology: ERROR: TopoGeometry 14678 does not exist in the child layer 1


` PL/pgSQL relationtrigger() riga 59 a RAISE istruzione SQL "

INSERT INTO topo_italia_20221207.relation SELECT * FROM topo_italia.relation


funzione PL/pgSQL copytopology(character varying,character varying) riga 83 a EXECUTE `

PostGIS version is 3.3.1

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