
Version 30 (modified by neteler, 16 years ago) ( diff ) analysed from today back to 28 oct 2008, before is TODO (please someone)

GRASS GIS 6.4.0RC1 Release


Overview of changes since 6.3.0

For changes between 6.2.3 and 6.3.0, see the 6.3.0 release announcement.

New modules

  • d.split.frame (Hamish)
  • g.mlist, g.mremove replaced with faster C version (Huidae Cho)
  • r.colors.stddev (Hamish)
  • r.external (Glynn)
  • r.grow.distance (Glynn)
  • r.sun2, r.horizon (Jaroslav Hofierka, Marcel Suri, Thomas Huld, Markus)
  • v.buffer replaced with improved version (Rosen Matev; Google SoC 2008 project)
  • v.colors (Hamish)
  • v.delaunay replaced with improved version (Martin Pavlovsky; Google SoC 2008 project)
  • v.out.gpsbabel (Hamish)
  • v.parallel replaced with improved version (Rosen Matev; Google SoC 2008 project)
  • (Martin Landa) #82
  • NVIZ for wxPython and nviz_cmd module (Martin Landa; Google SoC 2008 project)

Major module changes

  • r.cost: Sped up by >50x (Glynn)
  • r.watershed: Sped up by orders of magnitude (Markus Metz)
  • v.random: Ability to generate random attribute data (Maris)
  • v.extract: Random feature extraction support (Maris)
  • v.out.ascii: New parameters 'columns' and 'where' - merged from addons module v.out.ascii.db (Martin)
  • wxGUI digitizer improvements including 'undo' (Martin)
  • The entire source code was re-indented (Glynn, Markus)

Minor module changes

  • d.rast.leg: added position parameter (Markus)
  • (Markus)
  • g.gisenv: -s/n flags added (Glynn)
  • g.mlist: added exclude= option (Glynn)
  • gis.m: various crashes fixed (Maris), menus extended (Hamish)
  • save pattern file for legend (Bob)
  • allow placement of vector legend left of the map (Hamish)
  • r.colors: added -a (log-abs) flag (Glynn)
  • r.colors: new color tables (Glynn, Markus, Cristina Castellani)
  • fixed g.parser to avoid crash (Glynn)
  • r.reclass.area: fix fully qualified input name (Martin)
  • r.quantile: added flag to output recode table (Dylan, Glynn)
  • r.sim.*: cleanup (Helena)
  • r.texture: write history (Markus)
  • v.db.dropcol: fix if layer > 1 (Markus)
  • v.drape: where support (Maris)
  • fix broken xerces-c test; use curl instead of lynx for MacOSX (Markus)
  • v.mkgrid: output optionally points not areas (Ivan)
  • fix qlayer (Martin, Markus)
  • Various modules: message standardization (Martin)
  • New geology symbols (Hamish)
  • Batch mode: plain text percentage support added (Markus)

Library changes

  • Vector library: new Vect_line_get_intersection function (Maris)
  • Vector library: new Vect_restore_line function (Martin Landa)
  • Doxygen: source code documentation improved (Markus)

Portability changes

  • various MacOSX fixes (William)
  • various WinGRASS compilation fixes (Paul)
  • WinGRASS white space in home path fixes (Markus)

Build changes

  • Improved generation of Python/SWIG interface
  • New Python library giving standardized access to GRASS modules

Message translation updates

Managed by Carlos Davila, Markus Neteler:

  • Amharic: Solomon Gizaw
  • Chinese: Su Yongheng
  • Czech: Martin Landa, Jan Trochta
  • French: Vincent Bain, Benoit Andre
  • German: Georg Lösel, Robert Nuske
  • Greek: Vasilios Antoniou
  • Indonesian: Firman Hadi
  • Italian: Tobias Vigl, Luca Delucchi
  • Polish: Robert Szczepanek, Monika Tylus, Milena Nowotarska
  • Portugese: Fernando Ferreira
  • Russian: Maxim Dubinin and team
  • Spanish:Carlos Davila
  • Thai: Sarawut Ninsawat, Man
  • Turkish: Osman Yalçın Yilmaz

Closed tickets

  • "Additional tools" menu dialog broken in digitizer (trac #208)
  • "Set options" for scale and N arrow fails (trac #288)
  • "Stop" button should not be active until the module starts running (trac #219)
  • 'Move line' and 'Delete line' when digitizing (trac #25)
  • *.tcl installed as executable (trac #388)
  • ./configure: cosmetics (trac #44)
  • Ability to handle subgroups with general commands as all other datatypes (trac #324)
  • Add "Help" button as in gis.m (trac #221)
  • Add created map into layer tree: errors for import modules (trac #305)
  • Compiler error while building python swig (trac #308)
  • Compiling QGIS from svn has a compiler error related to GRASS api (trac #364)
  • Convert tcl grc to wxpython version (trac #80)
  • Could not set snapping threshold (trac #92)
  • Enhancement to r.cross - add more layers to cross (trac #330)
  • Erase display crashes (trac #292)
  • Error in in defining new location via EPSG code in wxpython Location Wizard (trac #191)
  • Error with r.drain with gdal 1.5.2 and 1.6.0 (trac #351)
  • Extend GRASS-command history (at least to 1000) by default (trac #132)
  • GRASS will bould nviz eaven without tcl/tk (trac #164)
  • Grass63 -wx gui function form not consistent with other wx gui forms. (trac #16)
  • Grass63 -wx gui function form not updating input fields. (trac #18)
  • Grass63 -wx gui function form not consistent with other wx gui forms. (trac #17)
  • Grass63 -wx gui menu item referes to incorrect function (trac #15)
  • Location wizard: browse button half-cut (trac #216)
  • Location wizard: scroll issue in EPSG code selection (trac #4)
  • Location wizard: show sample map in region settings dialog (trac #8)
  • Location wizard: sort list from EPSG browser (trac #5)
  • MySQL driver: create table command cut (trac #188)
  • NVIZ displays points (sites) allways as thematic (trac #49)
  • NVIZ. Shrinking of the surface when the surface resolution is increased (GRASS6.2.3-GRASS6.3) (trac #56)
  • NVIZ: pack menu to the left (trac #348)
  • New v.example proposal (trac #120)
  • Query vector map (edit mode): does not work (trac #277)
  • SQL builder prints the name of the vector map to the terminal (trac #206)
  • Setting to have the computational region extent, like the one on the display (trac #183)
  • Sqlite driver doesn't handle blank numeric entries (trac #180)
  • Suggestion for the new (wx) grass-gui "File" menu (trac #393)
  • Support for multiple 'percentile' arguments in r.univar (trac #19)
  • TODO: move high priority incubated modules into main (trac #344)
  • Tcl version of v.digit's background colour doesn't work (trac #74)
  • Typo in "i.oif.html" and wording (trac #329)
  • Unable to create file [REF] for subgroup (trac #133)
  • Unable to create file [REF] for subgroup [sub-test] of group [test in neuba] (trac #174)
  • Update config.guess in SVN (trac #158)
  • Using barin option in r.flow produce segmentation fault (trac #403)
  • ValueError: unsupported format character '<' (0x3c) at index 4 (trac #366)
  • Vlib patch that provides Vect_line_get_intersections function (trac #357)
  • WinGRASS Tcl/Tk GUI - Text formatting error in Output window (trac #127)
  • WinGRASS: fails (trac #168)
  • WinGRASS: incompatability issue (trac #160)
  • Wxgrass: Set computational region to the minimum necessary to enclose map data extent (trac #157)
  • Zoom in / Zoom out enhancement (trac #24)
  • add a minimum distance threshold to v.distance (trac #253)
  • adding other layer than plain raster or vector (shaded relief, thematic vector etc.) returns an error (trac #258)
  • can't edit a vector map if the name has no @mapset suffix (trac #236)
  • can't overwrite vector map if it's name is fully qualified (i.e. contains @mapset) (trac #246)
  • computational region extent frame should be semi-transparent (trac #294)
  • cairo and ffmpeg checks (trac #33)
  • wxwidgets and python checks (trac #38)
  • copy command syntax does not work (trac #245)
  • d.labels doesn't place labels exactly on coordinate point in label file. (trac #340)
  • d.legend: apply arbitrary labels to a smooth floating-point colorbar (trac #124)
  • d.mon doesn't work (Wingrass commandline) (trac #339)
  • d.vect / v.univar does not work for layer > 1 ; v.db.join has bugs (corrected here) (trac #338)
  • d.vect: disp=cat or attr draws area shapes (trac #71)
  • d.vect: flag to print mininal region extent (trac #262)
  • db.table -p does not list all tables -> deeper problems in PostgreSQL driver (trac #93)
  • db/drivers/dbf fail to build due to undefined reference to 'SASetupDefaultHooks' (SHAPELIB) (trac #110)
  • description for v.db.reconnect.all (trac #385)
  • develbranch6 r33422 fails to configure on regex (trac #310)
  • digitizer: don't ask to save changes when there have been none (trac #210)
  • digitizer: errors at copying categories (trac #213)
  • digitizer: errors at editing line (trac #214)
  • digitizer: errors at querying (trac #212)
  • digitizer: errors at removing vertex (trac #211)
  • division with dbf driver leads to protocol error (trac #185)
  • error at wxGUI startup (trac #238)
  • error in table manager (trac #285)
  • error printed to the terminal after executing command from wxGUI cmd line (trac #228)
  • error querying a layer being edited (trac #264)
  • error when adding another text layer (trac #301)
  • error when digitizing new feature (trac #30)
  • g.copy segfaults ( package) [and latest SVN] (trac #50)
  • g.findfile element=colr2 (trac #326)
  • g.mapsets crash (trac #41)
  • g.mkfontcap: extradirs=path seems to fail (trac #368)
  • g.parser buffer overflow terminates shell script (trac #356)
  • g.parser terminated when execute scripts just like g.manual, etc. (trac #347)
  • g.region segmentation violation when creating EPSG:4326 location (trac #367)
  • g.region should not duplicate the code of G3d_regionToCellHead () (trac #122)
  • g.region should set (top, bottom) from the 3d vector specified by vect= (trac #121)
  • georectifier: add options to invoke/not invoke -c flag for i.rectify (trac #249)
  • gis.m: Raster Legend text selection button gives error (trac #79)
  • grass build fails when build with -as-needed linker flag (trac #69)
  • grass-6.2.3 and flex-2.5.34, missing the description.html (trac #2)
  • i.fusion.brovey: remove temp region file? (trac #194)
  • cleanup session $tmp on exit and require -c to create mapset from the command line (trac #53)
  • let visualize line directions in digitizer (trac #209)
  • moving of vector object by mouse (trac #29)
  • multiple tools should not be selectable (trac #265)
  • new module g.gui (trac #43)
  • new tabs in GUI have required last (trac #102)
  • once enabled, autorendering mode can't be disabled in the current session (trac #269)
  • precompiled Cygwin Windows grass 6.3.0 does not have sqlite driver support (trac #316)
  • documentation lists incorrect values for vlines "type" option (trac #34)
  • generates invalid postscript when vlegend item does not appear on map (trac #355)
  • manual - spearfish example (trac #362)
  • patch to set customized scalebar units (trac #64)
  • the "M" highlight problem (trac #155)
  • query tool crashes when the user presses mouse buttons fast (trac #281)
  • r.colors -e flag does not use full color range if map values are between 0. and 1. (trac #336)
  • r.digit: make guarantee_xmon fail nicely on WinGrass (trac #117)
  • r.grow.distance, r.random.surface ignores raster MASK (trac #387)
  • zscale parameter addition patch (trac #105)
  • in 6.3.1 svn doesn't work (trac #231)
  • r.los broken on Mac (trac #101)
  • r.los: patch to support earth curvature (trac #63)
  • r.mask -r shouldn't require input (trac #223)
  • r.patch fails on Vista (trac #118)
  • r.random fails with bus error on Mac OS X 10.5 (trac #97)
  • r.regressionline incompatability issue in WinGRASS (trac #162)
  • r.sim.*: use G_command_history() (trac #48)
  • r.statistics: output should be optional (trac #116)
  • r.watershed: speed improvement (trac #237)
  • r.what in wxGUI should not depend on computational region (trac #282)
  • r.what.colors: not working (trac #152)
  • region corrupted (trac #295)
  • saving display to tiff or ppm garbled when NVIZ is not top window (trac #104)
  • sfd support for r.terraflow (trac #197)
  • short integer overflow with (trac #166)
  • some commands dialogs have their name crippled (trac #272)
  • table manager tools print plenty of warnings to the terminal (trac #207)
  • table manager: edits in the table are not saved (trac #235)
  • text layer overlay: font and rotation don't work (trac #302)
  • the "command layer" in wxGUI does not work (trac #268)
  • update demolocation/ for GRASS 6 (trac #144)
  • use a different default for wxGUI displays (trac #290)
  • v.db.join fails in winNative Grass 6.3 for sqlite driver (trac #315)
  • v.generalize Assertion failed. (trac #36)
  • v.generalize: which options apply to which methods? (trac #374)
  • has no progress bar in any GUI (same as v.proj) (trac #244)
  • wxpython gui crashes when importing xyz files. (trac #186)
  • - detect gpstrans or gardump instead of user flag (trac #184)
  • fails on Polish dataset (trac #202)
  • wxGUI window crashes or freezes when "Verbose module output" is checked (trac #201)
  • v.label.editor (trac #409)
  • v.mkgrid - segmentation fault (trac #361)
  • v.out.gpsbabel (trac #349)
  • v.out.ogr does not correctly encode NODATA in attribute tables (trac #333)
  • v.out.ogr does not export features when 'dsn' AND 'layer' options are given (trac #327)
  • v.out.ogr exports only attribute data in CSV format (trac #28)
  • v.out.ogr: bad DB read for format=GPX (trac #354)
  • v.proj has no progress bar in any GUI (trac #243)
  • v.proj: broken (?) -z description and missing -l description in wxGUI (trac #241)
  • v.random: add random sampling from vector points map (trac #229)
  • segfault in dig_alloc_points (trac #380)
  • example incorrectly uses "type=area" (trac #360)
  • type description corrupted in wxGUI (trac #233)
  • segfaults in G_close_gdal_link() (trac #319)
  • v.what returns "Line:" attribute for points and centroids (trac #267)
  • various error messges during digitizing (trac #227)
  • vdigit crashes on some GRASS vectors I try to edit (trac #225)
  • vdigit is missing a tool to delete categories (trac #266)
  • vdigit: an improvement for "Copy features from (background) map" (trac #284)
  • vdigit: cursor and vertex are apart when moving vertices (trac #274)
  • vdigit: please render closed areas transparent (trac #276)
  • warnings printed on GRASS startup when selecting Location and Mapset (trac #204)
  • wrong translations break wxGUI (trac #296)
  • wxGUI doesn't handle removing maps (trac #280)
  • wxGUI fails to handle illegal region extent (trac #299)
  • wxGUI modules don't refresh the list of available maps (trac #218)
  • wxGUI should provide a switch for region-constrained/free display mode (trac #293)
  • wxGUI: "Color rules" prints an error when "Preview" is pressed (trac #279)
  • wxGUI: can't handle whole-Earth extent (trac #395)
  • wxGUI: can't really cancel adding layer (trac #257)
  • wxGUI: can't render layer different than 1 (trac #371)
  • wxGUI: db.droptable button opens db.login (trac #255)
  • wxGUI: patch for columns listing (trac #261)
  • wxGUI: visualization problems with multiple rasters and vectors. not stable bug... (trac #259)
  • wxNVIZ fails to start (trac #275)
  • wxNVIZ: crash or failure (trac #297)
  • wxNviz does not start (trac #404)
  • wxPython GUI fails in Windows Vista if GISDBASE contains spaces (trac #114)
  • wxgrass - d.vect and d.vect.chart: changing default checkbox options in GUI results in KeyError (trac #109)
  • wxgrass gui help is missing from 6.4.svn (trac #146)
  • wxgrass: Allow disabling of remove layer promp in GIS Layer Manager (trac #139)
  • wxgrass: Error in applying display overlay properties to rasters in Layer Manager (trac #145)
  • wxgrass: Error in profile tool (trac #137)
  • wxgrass: Remember the position of gui windows on Grass exit (trac #130)
  • wxgrass: Some statusbar modes obscure mouse-over help text of gui tools (trac #135)
  • wxgrass: delete point map geometry when deleting attribute (trac #314)
  • wxgrass: should automatically open display if layer added with no open display (trac #113)
  • wxgrass: show module name in bottom line of main window (trac #10)
  • wxgrass: ticking -m options in legend dialog cause general GUI freeze (trac #119)
  • wxgrass: trying to add legend gives UnicodeDecodeError (trac #108)
  • wxgrass: trying to set options for scalebar or legend gives TypeError (trac #107)
  • wxgrass: zoom to computational region does not respect resolution set with g.region (trac #106)
  • wxgui: Show attribute data depends on global db connection, not file db connection parameter (trac #381)
  • wxgui:'s SQL column defintion text box is uneditable (trac #263)
  • wxpython Layer Manager: higher raster hides the lower (trac #254)
  • wxpython gui crashed while importing dxf (trac #176)
  • wxpython gui for defaults to overwrite (trac #177)
  • wxpython: Layer Manager crashes when trying to edit vector properties (trac #159)

SVN Source Code

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