- 12:02 Ticket #1078 (QGIS Quickstart review — several defects) closed by
- fixed: should be fixed now, continued in #1081. Hamish
- 02:15 Ticket #1087 (52nWSS Quickstart review comments) closed by
- fixed: This quickstart is looking good. Thanks sbcalvo.
- 23:30 Ticket #1095 (gvSIG: update to refractions driver to be compatible with PostGIS 2.0) created by
- Hi, moving this from #1034. see …
- 19:51 Ticket #1089 (pgRouting needs legacy.sql) closed by
- fixed: (In [9821]) fixed #1089 - osm2pgsql import creates Multigeometry, …
- 17:54 Ticket #1094 (pgRouting fails to load correctly) closed by
- duplicate: I believe the "missing geoms type" is perhaps from the original …
- 16:30 Ticket #1094 (pgRouting fails to load correctly) created by
- attempted a patch with legacy.sql in rev9820 however, database …
- 13:18 Ticket #1093 (update installer versions and URLs) created by
- Hi, before final release we need to make sure that the versions in …
- 13:05 Ticket #1092 (sync with osgeo.org sponsors page) created by
- Hi, before release we need to ensure that the sponsors.rst page is in …
- 13:04 Ticket #1090 (check persistence space left on 6.5 mini usb install) created by
- Hi, before release we need to quickly check how much persistence …
- 12:21 Ticket #1089 (pgRouting needs legacy.sql) created by
- Hi, I realize we never had a ticket for this even though we knew …
- 11:09 Ticket #1084 (OTB quickstart review feedback) closed by
- fixed: fixed in [9803]
- 11:04 Ticket #1063 (rasdaman dataset verification) closed by
- fixed: Hi, Confirmed to work in build [9775]
- 12:59 Ticket #1088 (spatialite-gis not selectable from the osgeo-live menu) closed by
- fixed: confirm fixed in build9775
- 11:54 Ticket #1088 (spatialite-gis not selectable from the osgeo-live menu) created by
- Tested in OSGeo-Live 6.5beta1: Spatialite-gis is not selectable from …
- 15:07 Ticket #1087 (52nWSS Quickstart review comments) created by
- Review comments here: …
- 14:38 Ticket #1083 (GRASS Quickstart review — several defects) closed by
- fixed: Hi, thanks for the report. These issues (and more :) were addressed in …
- 14:20 Ticket #1085 (PostGIS Quickstart review - remove command line description?) created by
- I've added the follow review comments into the PostGIS quickstart: …
- 14:20 Ticket #1075 (Mapbender password) closed by
- fixed: confirmed in build [9758]
- 13:34 Ticket #1084 (OTB quickstart review feedback) created by
- Provided by Maria Vakalopoulou: * CLI : command line interface from …
- 08:13 Ticket #1083 (GRASS Quickstart review — several defects) created by
- 1) In section "Running" read: "To run GRASS on the Live DVD, click on …
- 03:58 Ticket #1068 (GRASS quickstart NVIZ) closed by
- fixed: fixed in r9761. thanks for pointing out this on too, Hamish
- 03:55 Ticket #1082 (spatialite quickstart review comments.) created by
- I've inserted a number of review comments into the spatialite …
- 03:53 Ticket #1067 (GRASS quickstart - Vector Modules) closed by
- fixed: I've modified the quickstart to make it clear which maps to pick. In …
- 01:17 Ticket #1075 (Mapbender password) reopened by
- Hi Astrid, thanks for the fix. I am keeping this open until the next …
- 13:54 Ticket #1081 (QGIS Quickstart review feedback) created by
- I've just completed the QGIS Quickstart review and have inserted a …
- 12:13 Ticket #1072 (Remove QGIS guide docs) closed by
- wontfix: Based upon feedback from other OSGeoLive developers who all think we …
- 10:36 Ticket #1075 (Mapbender password) closed by
- fixed: Fixed the problem. Mapbender database was not created with the install …
- 09:52 Ticket #1080 (Ushahidi Quickstart review) created by
- Ushahidi quickstart works just fine on 6.5, apart from tcket #1079, in …
- 09:11 Ticket #1079 (Ushahidi Quickstart and MySql root Password) created by
- Going through ushahidi quickstart, I've checked that MySql user to …
- 09:04 Ticket #1076 (6.5r2 Cartaro Quickstart review: text improvements suggestions) closed by
- fixed: (In [9723]) fixed #1076
- 08:58 Ticket #1074 (6.5r2 Cartaro Quickstart review: No index documents links) closed by
- fixed: fixed in [9722]
- 08:42 Ticket #1077 (passwords.txt) closed by
- fixed: (In [9721]) fixed #1077
- 06:56 Ticket #1078 (QGIS Quickstart review — several defects) created by
- Chapter "Edit QGIS project": 1) We read: […] But in TOC layer name …
- 05:17 Ticket #1077 (passwords.txt) created by
- There's an entry in the passwords file for MapGuide, which is no …
- 05:14 Ticket #1076 (6.5r2 Cartaro Quickstart review: text improvements suggestions) created by
- 1.- 'Choose |osgeolive-Other-Start Cartaro| from menu' Should be: …
- 05:11 Ticket #1075 (Mapbender password) created by
- The default password (root,root) doesn't seem to work.
- 05:08 Ticket #1074 (6.5r2 Cartaro Quickstart review: No index documents links) created by
- There is not 'cartaro' index document links at …
- 05:01 Ticket #1073 (Cartaro Quickstart review: Openlayers version Warnings appear in the ...) created by
- Doing the quickstart some warnings about OpenLayers library version …
- 16:52 Ticket #1072 (Remove QGIS guide docs) created by
- QGIS currently includes the docs "A Gentle Introduction to GIS" and …
- 11:47 Ticket #1071 (R quickstart vignettes) created by
- In the vignette section, there is a suggestion to try: vigentte("sp") …
- 08:35 Ticket #1069 (saga_gui.desktop is empty) closed by
- duplicate: duplicate of #1066
- 07:57 Ticket #1070 (Not consistent figure is OpenJump quickstart) created by
- When following the quickstart instructions, users can be confused …
- 07:43 Ticket #1069 (saga_gui.desktop is empty) created by
- In my osgeo-live-mini-6.5beta2.iso saga_gui.desktop is empty. 0 bytes
- 04:03 Ticket #1068 (GRASS quickstart NVIZ) created by
- The 3D Visualization section recommends to change the color map to …
- 03:52 Ticket #1067 (GRASS quickstart - Vector Modules) created by
- The quickstart section on Vector Modules suggests creating attributes …
- 15:46 Ticket #1056 (GeoServer quickstart and Natural Earth 2) closed by
- wontfix: There is a note stating that this will not work on the live session. …
- 03:06 Ticket #1049 (liblas specifies libboost version) closed by
- wontfix: > install_liblas specifies libboost 1.46, (it's standard to ubuntu …
- 02:39 Ticket #1060 (pre-seed DB credentials for tilemill postgis) closed by
- fixed: tested with the latest nightly iso build, the attempt seems to have …
- 02:26 Ticket #1066 (saga missing from beta2 build) closed by
- fixed: fixed and confirmed in build [9677]
- 14:53 Ticket #1066 (saga missing from beta2 build) created by
- […]
- 06:05 Ticket #736 (QGIS plugin bundle updates) reopened by
- We need again to update some plugins (e.g. CSW plugin has a new stable …
- 13:40 Ticket #1058 (Kosmo Desktop Quickstart examples don't work) closed by
- fixed: confirmed to be fixed in build [9658]
- 12:55 Ticket #1031 (Cartaro not installed properly) closed by
- fixed: fixed and confirmed in [9658]
- 04:44 Ticket #1033 (GeoServer fails to start) closed by
- fixed: confirmed to work on build [9647]
- 00:30 Ticket #1061 (zyGrib version is obsolete, can't download data from upstream's server) closed by
- fixed: argh, this one was my fault. the intended version was in the script …
- 23:18 Ticket #1064 (mapnik quickstart python tutorial broken) closed by
- fixed: updated & tested.
- 23:06 Ticket #1035 (osm2pgsql data loading fails at build time) closed by
- fixed
- 14:01 Ticket #1059 (gpsdrive's Mapnik doesn't start since stuff changed) closed by
- fixed: fixed and confirmed in [9640]
- 05:38 Ticket #1065 (Add "Big Data" to common datasets) created by
- There was some …
- 23:56 Ticket #1064 (mapnik quickstart python tutorial broken) created by
- Hi, the mapnik quickstart tells you to do: […] but the new …
- 23:15 Ticket #1061 (zyGrib version is obsolete, can't download data from upstream's server) reopened by
- I'm reopening the bug since it still exists and will still bite …
- 10:43 Ticket #1061 (zyGrib version is obsolete, can't download data from upstream's server) closed by
- wontfix: strictly speaking, app versions were frozen at Beta 1
- 04:33 Ticket #1063 (rasdaman dataset verification) created by
- The rasdaman dataset for running the demo referenced into the …
- 21:39 Ticket #1062 (Cartaro, EOxServer and Geomajas should be in submenus) created by
- Hi, The Cartaro and Geomajas should be in submenus like many of the …
- 21:33 Ticket #1061 (zyGrib version is obsolete, can't download data from upstream's server) created by
- when you try to download grib data from the server, it tells you to go …
- 21:27 Ticket #1060 (pre-seed DB credentials for tilemill postgis) created by
- Hi, it would be nice if the disc's local PostGIS dbs were already in …
- 20:21 Ticket #1033 (GeoServer fails to start) reopened by
- please move the ML email addr from the owner field if you take …
- 20:18 Ticket #1034 (gvSIG demo project, natural earth paths changed) reopened by
- 20:12 Ticket #1035 (osm2pgsql data loading fails at build time) reopened by
- please move the ML email addr from the owner field if you take …
- 20:07 Ticket #1031 (Cartaro not installed properly) reopened by
- please move the ML email addr from the owner field if you take …
- 16:08 Ticket #1059 (gpsdrive's Mapnik doesn't start since stuff changed) created by
- Hi, gpsdrive runs Mapnik to generate map tiles on-the-fly using the …
- 12:22 Ticket #1000 (Accented characters missing on doc web site) closed by
- fixed: This issue seems to have been fixed previously. (Looking at osgeolive …
- 00:06 Ticket #1058 (Kosmo Desktop Quickstart examples don't work) created by
- The next problems have been found by following the Kosmo Desktop …
- 06:10 Ticket #987 (proposal for english documentation improvements) closed by
- fixed: fixed in [9597]
- 04:27 Ticket #971 (maptiler: quickstart should refer to test data that was installed on ...) closed by
- fixed: utm.tif is no longer referenced in maptiler quickstart.
- 03:36 Ticket #1045 (Update artwork to 6.5) closed by
- fixed: I am closing this, since the new artwork is in beta1
- 03:30 Ticket #1056 (GeoServer quickstart and Natural Earth 2) reopened by
- 02:23 Ticket #1049 (liblas specifies libboost version) reopened by
- This is still an issue.
- 22:42 Ticket #792 (misc notes from carl - RC6) closed by
- wontfix
- 16:16 Ticket #1056 (GeoServer quickstart and Natural Earth 2) closed by
- worksforme: the quickstart does not say where to save the .sld files.. If you try …
- 14:19 Ticket #1049 (liblas specifies libboost version) closed by
- wontfix
- 04:17 Ticket #951 (Clean up OSGeoLive build instructions) closed by
- fixed: Done. http://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/Live_GIS_Build
- 03:34 Ticket #1052 (i3geo app documentation link - broken) closed by
- wontfix: i3geo will return on Live 7.0
- 16:40 Ticket #1056 (GeoServer quickstart and Natural Earth 2) created by
- There is some permission problem, I was not able to load the Natural …
- 11:58 Ticket #917 (mapfish demo not working) closed by
- fixed: confirmed in 6.5 beta1
- 19:31 Ticket #1052 (i3geo app documentation link - broken) created by
- in the i3geo app, the last menu on the right Ajuda -> Doc. dos …
- 08:09 Ticket #1041 (Ushahidi installation broken) closed by
- fixed: fixed in [9536] and confirmed on the corresponding nightly build
- 15:43 Ticket #1051 (Sahana admin user fails to login) closed by
- fixed: Prepop was failing with PostGIS 2 so I disabled use of spatial …
- 08:08 Ticket #1039 (Sahana broken in 6.5 alpha4) closed by
- fixed: new issue moved to #1051
- 08:07 Ticket #1051 (Sahana admin user fails to login) created by
- moved from #1039 Using "admin" as username/e-mail and "admin" as a …
- 21:44 Ticket #1050 (check SEXTANTE Help screens) created by
- in both gvSIG and openJUMP, the SEXTANTE plugin's Help system shows …
- 14:44 Ticket #1048 (apache ok?) closed by
- invalid: It is a common thing to use prefork and not worker when installing …
- 12:53 Ticket #1049 (liblas specifies libboost version) created by
- install_liblas specifies libboost 1.46, but time has passed, and some …
- 12:41 Ticket #1048 (apache ok?) created by
- I noticed this in the build logs... just checking if this is a …
- 08:25 Ticket #1043 (i3geo installation failed) closed by
- fixed: fixed in [9512] and confirmed in build [9518]
- 12:19 Ticket #1035 (osm2pgsql data loading fails at build time) closed by
- fixed: Confirmed to work on build[9511]
- 12:05 Ticket #1003 (EOxServer documentation) closed by
- fixed: I'm closing this issue. EoxServer is now installed and working, along …
- 11:35 Ticket #884 (Doc quickstart.html and test.html aren't referenced in any document) closed by
- fixed: As suggested by schpidi, I've removed the test references from our …
- 04:00 Ticket #949 (ossim installation script fails) closed by
- fixed: seems to be working fine in nightly build [9505]
- 03:56 Ticket #1042 (EOxServer fails to install) closed by
- fixed: confirmed to work on nightly build [9505]
- 03:51 Ticket #1038 (QGIS Server cannot locate new path for Natural Earth data) closed by
- fixed: confirmed in nightly build [9505]
- 03:43 Ticket #884 (Doc quickstart.html and test.html aren't referenced in any document) reopened by
- Seems like the recent change results in the following error for me: …
- 03:42 Ticket #1037 (TileMill not working) closed by
- fixed: confirmed in [9505] nightly build
- 03:41 Ticket #1033 (GeoServer fails to start) closed by
- fixed: There has been a small conflict with Cartaro installation script …
- 22:13 Ticket #884 (Doc quickstart.html and test.html aren't referenced in any document) closed by
- fixed: Fixed in version #5906. I've deleted quickstart.rst and test.rst files …
- 15:43 Ticket #999 (OSGeo contact (president) should be updated) closed by
- fixed: Fixed in version 9503. We now use a generic info at osgeo.org email …
- 12:35 Ticket #951 (Clean up OSGeoLive build instructions) reopened by
- We need to move old instructions to a Legacy wiki page and clean up more.
- 11:40 Ticket #1047 (Python applications shall share common dependencies) created by
- 10:38 Ticket #757 (qgis_server should be accessible at http://localhost/qgis_server) closed by
- fixed: fixed in [9501]
- 10:25 Ticket #778 (regression test) closed by
- duplicate: Since we have a new build system we need to close this issue and move …
- 10:23 Ticket #1046 (Automatic/Daily builds for OSGeoLive) created by
- Having completed the new build system for OSGeoLive 6.0 …
- 10:04 Ticket #966 (Update VM Quickstart) closed by
- fixed: this has been done for 6.0 final
- 10:00 Ticket #1045 (Update artwork to 6.5) created by
- We need to update the desktop background to show version 6.5
- 18:52 Ticket #1040 (Spatialite installation fails) closed by
- fixed: confirmed to work in alpha 5 thanks
- 18:37 Ticket #1034 (gvSIG demo project, natural earth paths changed) closed by
- fixed: confirmed as fixed in alpha 5
- 18:26 Ticket #1031 (Cartaro not installed properly) closed by
- fixed: Cartaro is now working on alpha 5 Thanks for your efforts.
- 00:47 Ticket #1036 (Mapbender3 not installed properly) closed by
- wontfix: we will go for Mapbender 2.7.3 for OSGeo-Live 6.5. Therefore we do not …
- 02:27 Ticket #1034 (gvSIG demo project, natural earth paths changed) reopened by
- Hi, lets keep this open until we confirm on the next build. Thanks for …
- 01:22 Ticket #1034 (gvSIG demo project, natural earth paths changed) closed by
- fixed: (In [9461]) updated sample-project folders to Natural Earth 2 data, …
- 12:34 Ticket #1040 (Spatialite installation fails) reopened by
- Thanks for the fix. Lets keep this ticket open until we get a …
- 10:58 Ticket #1040 (Spatialite installation fails) closed by
- fixed: The download URL has changed (since the release of the newer 1.6.0 …
- 08:31 Ticket #1043 (i3geo installation failed) created by
- Script needs review
- 08:28 Ticket #1042 (EOxServer fails to install) created by
- There seems to be an issue related to spatialite and Pypi.
- 08:20 Ticket #1041 (Ushahidi installation broken) created by
- mv: target `ushahidi' is not a directory cp: cannot stat `ushahidi/': …
- 08:17 Ticket #1040 (Spatialite installation fails) created by
- --2012-12-13 22:50:26-- …
- 08:13 Ticket #1039 (Sahana broken in 6.5 alpha4) created by
- Throws a "Server Error" in Firefox
- 08:11 Ticket #783 (no obvious way to figure out where the data is on the DVD) closed by
- fixed: There is a Data link now
- 08:07 Ticket #1038 (QGIS Server cannot locate new path for Natural Earth data) created by
- The demo page does not present data in map window
- 08:03 Ticket #1037 (TileMill not working) created by
- Can not start from launcher. Needs review
- 07:56 Ticket #917 (mapfish demo not working) reopened by
- I am getting a 500 error in 6.5 alpha4. Seems to be broken again.
- 07:53 Ticket #1036 (Mapbender3 not installed properly) created by
- The installation was not completed in alpha4 Need to review the …
- 07:51 Ticket #1035 (osm2pgsql data loading fails at build time) created by
- NOTICE: table "planet_osm_point" does not exist, skipping NOTICE: …
- 07:45 Ticket #1034 (gvSIG demo project, natural earth paths changed) created by
- we need to fix paths so that default gvSIG project does not ask for …
- 04:53 Ticket #1033 (GeoServer fails to start) created by
- After starting up GeoServer, home page is not shown. The error is: …
- 04:50 Ticket #1032 (GeoNetwork freezes under Virtual Box when memory is 1GB or less) created by
- I have tested GN in a VM with 1G RAM and while the home page is …
- 04:42 Ticket #974 (remastersys iso installation fails) closed by
- wontfix
- 04:40 Ticket #1031 (Cartaro not installed properly) created by
- Tested in 6.5 alpha4 and the launcher is creating a permission …
- 00:33 Ticket #1030 (gdal quickstart and natural_earth2) created by
- I have changed the gdal quickstart to reflect the natural_earth2 data, …
See TracTimeline
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